Chapter 7 (Ending)

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Once seeing him down for the count, Fairy Tail cheered.

Natsu smiled at the defeated man who wasn't moving, but then he looked around.

"I know I saw her." He muttered before noticing a glow. He and the rest turned to look and once again, their eyes widened.

There before them, was Lucy's ghost standing next to her fallen corpse.

They rushed over, but stopped a couple meters.

"Lucy." They whispered in shock.

The ghost just smiled at them and walked over. She held her hand out towards Natsu, who slowly took her hand. She led him towards the body, and he kneeled down.

He figured out what she was hinting and picked the corpse up bridal style. He handed her to Gray, who carried her over towards her broken casket.

The ghost raised her hand and another casket appeared. Placing the body inside, Gray backed away then looked back at her.

Everyone stared at the ghost in tears.

"Lucy." Happy whimpered tears already falling. The figure smiled once more before patting his head. He was surprised she could touch him and he could feel it.

The ghost looked at the others and her eyes landed on Lissana. Lissana looked at little scared, but nothing bad happened to her. She just watched as her eyed looked over everyone else.

"I forgive you." Were the only things she said. It was enough to make the guild break down in tears.

Natsu on the other hand just fell to his knees looking at the ground. Small tears falling. Then in his view were a pair of shoes. He looked up to see Lucy kneeling down and giving him one last hug.

"I'll always love you, Natsu." She spoke softly. His heart broke in two as he realized he didn't deserve her forgivness. He hugged her back tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Keep the guild running, I believe you can do that."

"I don't want you to leave."

"Hey, don't you forget this. I'm always going to be here, watching over you.
Whenever any of you need help in a dangerous situation, I'll help."

"I love you, Lucy. I love you." Natsu cried. Lucy had a small smile on her face.

The rest of the guild couldn't take it anymore and just ran over into a big group hug.

"Stay the same guild. Fight until you pass out." Lucy said. "I'll never forget the times we had. But sadly, I have to go now."

The Zodiacs had multiple tears falling as they watched their master- no, friend, start to glow.

"You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you."

Then with that, she disappeared.

It was silent for a couple seconds until you could see Natsu's body start shaking. He couldn't hold it, as he started sobbing loudly. One by one you could see every member start to sob.
Tears wouldn't stop falling. Not this time.
*2 Years Later*

Hey Lucy! How's it goin? It's been a while, hasn't it?

The guild's been well, we had our moments of sadness once in a while, but we've managed.

No one can yell like you still.

Me and Gray still go at it, Erza's still always the one to pull us away.

Speaking of Gray, he and Juvia got together. He finally realized his feelings for her. You should have seen when he confessed.
Juvia flooded the place with her tears of joy.

Oh! Wendy and Romeo actually got together just a month ago. They couldn't hold their feelings forever.

Lissana's fallen for Bixlow. They're together and happy.
Everyone's happy.

Me. Well I'm not dating. I just can't find a way to get you out of my mind. I love you and I realized that too late.

I'm still trying to cope with your death, but hey, I'm getting there.
I've practiced my writing and reading. Doing a lot better, if I wasn't well,  I wouldn't be writing this.

"Natsu." Erza spoke. Natsu looked up from the paper he was writing on. "You snuck into Lucy's place again.

They never sold it. Natsu's been paying the rent because this was the main place with all the silly memories of them together. It's the place, Natsu's been coming to really often.

When he didn't answer, Erza shook her head with a smile

"Come on, we've got a mission to go on."

"I'll be right there." He looked back at the paper. He wrote down something else then got up. When he got to the doorframe, he looked back at the desk where the letter sat.

A small smile appeared on his face before he turned and walked out, catching up with his team.

I hope to see you in the future so we can have more adventures together.


Alright. This story is over. Sad.

I tried to have a nice ending, nothing too sad.

Anyway hope you enjoyed this.

Love ya,


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