Forever Young- Chapter 9- Why Did I do This?!?

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Maddi's POV

Why, the word that tumbled around in my head as I stood across the street from Louis's flat. I was pacing in circles for hours it felt like, until I saw the rest of the boys jump out of a taxi in front of Louis's flat. I wonder what there up to, oh well probably trying, once again, to prank Louis.  "like that will ever happen" I murmured to myself when a Lamborghini speeded by on the traffic filled streets of London. Oh how much Louis wanted a Lamborghini.  Ugh why am I worrying so much about Louis, hes the eldest of the group, cant he take care of himself? I questioned myself testing my theory, I started down the streets staring at the ground.  it started to flurry, little white flakes landing on the ground then sticking waiting for another and another to pile up. I didnt even care where the fuck I was, soon the snow started to crunch under my small footsteps. it became darker outside, I looked down at my watch, only 11:47 AM, then i looked up and the snow stuck to my eyelashes. I sat down on a wooden bench at the intersection Clidesdale and Mustgaind. Time flew like a bee through newly bloomed flowers. I was dazed thought spinning throughout my head about Louis, Harry, and the others. "AW FUCK HARRY" I yelled, the words slipped, "oops" I whisperd under my breath and gave a quick grin when others sitting next to me stared probably thinking i belonged in a mental institute, I glanced but quiclkly got up. I started out walking, but no that turned into to jogging, before i even knew where i was fucking going my feet were moving swiftly on the freshly blanketed streets. I sprinted, tears rolling down my bare, red cheeks, Harry... Harry... Harry, why the... what the fuck.... Harry, just please... please. I took in a deep breath practiclly gasping, looking back into reality. i tripped on some ice falling to my knees, sliding making my shins stream wet, hot blood through my ripped jeans hanging from my theighs. i got back up pain shooting through my legs that still limped on the now sidewalks with cracks letting short dandelions and weeds grow through. i didntt stop though. it felt like millions of fresh knives stabbing into my weak shins.  people stared but actully who the fuck cares, haha i dont! im starting to sound crazy mumbling "Louis, Harry, Fuck, Why, Really" over and over between a few of the many gasping breaths i took refusing to let myself stop running across the white sidewalks. i felt like i was running with 100 pound weights strapped to my feet, they just got heavier and heavier.  the hospital was only across the still traffic filled streets. i didnt give a damn at the point and tjust roamed across the 6 lane streets. cars slammed on their brakes and held down their ear peircing horms, probably maing me half deaph. i slammed my hands on the revolving door and dragged my feet inside. i trudged up to the main desk and they told me it was only a 10 minute wait probably assuming i needed assistance with my still bleeding shins. "No, No, No, i am here for Harry Styles he came by ambulance into urgent care about, i looked up at the orignal clock hanging on the wall, about an hour ago" i said feeling shaky inside. "okay, ill get a nurse to lead you to his room in just a second", the lady said turning calling the name, Gloria. a nurse in flowerd scrubs came and glanced down at my knees looking a bit worried but looked back up and gave a weak smile and walked down the LED lit halls stopping at a room numberd 592, then slowly pulled open the door. it made a very quiet creaking noise hoping it would wake Harry, laying there on the bed with the quiet beeps echoing through the silent room. "Harry", i questioned hoping for an answer from his scratchy tone.

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