The Moment

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I couldn't help but to pace back and forth over and over in my own room. I still felt close to him. I could still feel his fingertips running along my tingling skin, twisting through my dirty blond hair. I could still feel the embrace of his lips on my neck as I rubbed my hands together constantly and stalked from one side of my room to the other.

I couldn't think. I'd have never thought in a million years that he would tell me he... I mean, I knew that I felt so much for him, but... I never would've really thought that I would actually want anything past the "Kidnapper-and-kidnapped" relationship.

I never really thought that someone as...handsome, beautiful, sexy and dangerous as him would ever want someone like me. The way he held me, the way his lips met my skin...he was so different. I finally had the pleasure of meeting the real Tyler, no restraints, no holding back and no hiding who he really was or how he really felt. I didn't know if I could handle the real Tyler even though it had killed me inside not to get one small glance into his own world.

I love you...I love you...I love you... These words echoed and pulsed through my head over and over again. He loved me... He loved me?? My head spun and I couldn't stop it. Everything was moving too fast for me to comprehend.

The storm nearly screamed outside as if it were attempting to control the growing intensity of my stress. Rain collided nonstop against the dark windowpane as lightning lit up the room by sudden flashes of light. I couldn't stand being trapped in my room with my insanely quick thoughts, but I didn't want to risk going out to face Tyler again because I wasn't ready to face him. Not yet.

As if on cue, my door swung open, letting Domonique's faded words become clearer as she seemed to speak before she even opened my bedroom door. "You know, you and I should have a movie night." She stated instantly as she entered my room. I let out an exasperated breath as I realized she had no idea what I was going through at this moment. "Urban Cowboy. Old movie, I know, but John Travolta is H-O-T hot in that. Have you even seen that before?" She asked, amazed as she already concluded I haven't seen it.

I hid the real feelings inside of me and faked a laugh. Domonique was so happy and I didn't want her to be brought down by the problems of mine that I knew she would want to have the liberty to fix herself.

"Uhm, not really. It does ring a bell though. I might have seen it years ago." I wrung my fingers to try and hide that they were shaking uncontrollably. "But, I'm sorry, I don't feel too well. I really just wanna go to bed. It's been a tiring day, I just found out I... have...." I couldn't finish. I hated calling what Tyler passed on to me powers but didn't know what else they could possibly be.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry!" She quickly apoligized, already heading back to the door to leave me alone. I didn't want her to be left out of my life completely, though; especially since I would probably want to watch a movie with her tomorrow if I felt better.

I thought about tomorrow. It seemed as though there never would be a tomorrow. The things that had happened tonight was just a hurricane of feelings and events that seemed like the perfectly disasterous ending to my insane life.

"Oh, Hun, it's fine," I took to the nick-name that Tyler had given me so many times to address Domonique. I had never called anyone a nick-name in my entire life, but saying hun just felt right knowing it was Tyler's name for me. "Tomorrow, kay? I really wanna see it but I don't wanna fall asleep during it tonight!" I faked a laugh and saw her out before I burst into tears in front of her.

"Night, Alayla!" She called as she left and I checked both sides of the hall for Tyler lingering anywhere near me, but he wasn't there. I saw his door ajar and his room light off. I felt empty knowing he wasn't near me. I felt like I was a witch with a capital B that only made things worse. I had taken advantage of Tyler and been a hypocrite with love. All I had wanted was to try and make him notice me, but when I found the truth, I did something I never wanted to do.

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