Back to Square One

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It was the day after I hugged Christine at her birthday. I forgot how precious and heart melting it was to hold the sweet little girl. I couldn't have be more happy about it. Unfortunately, this didn't last for long. Before I knew it, everything was taken away from me in a snatch. The modicum of light that gave me a sliver of hope was dissolved into darkness once again, and I was back to square one.

It all started when I heard a knock on the front door. I peaked out of the window, curious to see who was at the house, and spotted two policemen outside. I was in the music room, so I darted under the piano. I knew they were here for me, and I couldn't let them find me.

At first, I thought the cops were here to arrest me for the murder of the tall man. The only people who knew about my homicide were Gustave, the armless guy, and the bearded lady. Gustave wasn't the type of person to rat me out. He was my best friend. He was the older brother I never had. Who would have told the police?

It had to be the armless man and bearded woman. The way I treated them after they helped me bury the body was horrible. My blood boiled with rage and my hands trembled in anger. How could they do this to me?

I reflected on my relationship with the woman and the men since the day all three of us met. I realized I was the one who was at fault. I snapped at them when I should have been thankful. Thankful that they listened to me for all these years. Thankful they thought of me like a normal person. Thankful that they didn't run and scream after I committed a crime. Instead, they stayed and helped me hide the evidence. I betrayed them after everything they have done. After some thinking, I wouldn't have blamed them if they were the ones who told the police on me.

I heard someone open the door, but I stayed hidden under the piano. I held my breath as I prayed they didn't come for me for any chance at all.

"Hello," said a soothing and high voice. That's when I knew Penelope was the one who opened the door.

"Hello Mademoiselle. I'm officer Ben Richard and this is my partner Garrett Dawson," one of them told her.

"May I help you?" She offered. No don't help them! I screamed in my head.

"Yeah we would like to ask you a few questions. Is it alright if we come inside?"

"Of course." Then the door closed.

"Is this your house?" Garrett asked.

"No it is my brother's. I have been staying here to take care of my niece since his wife died in childbirth."

"If you don't mind me asking, is Gustave Daae your brother?" Ben asked.

"Yes he is."

"Is he home right now?"

"No he is running some errands. Would you like me to tell him anything when he returns?"

There was silence for a little while.

"We would prefer if you didn't tell him we visited, but under some circumstances we would understand if you have to."


There was more silence. My pulse began to race.

"Is there a boy named Erik that lives here?"

"Actually there is." Dammit Penelope!!

"He used to work at a carnival, but he has been missing for a few years. Perhaps he believed he had no place there anymore because the owner died under natural causes. In reality, the faire is still running and they asked us to find him two weeks ago. They want him back."


"We are a little hesitant with your brother knowing the carnival wants him back because he used to abuse the old owner. They weren't exactly the best of friends. In fact they hated each other. We don't know if Gustave is aware of the man's death, so we are concerned if he will attempt to do anything."

"With all the respect Monsieur, that doesn't sound like my baby brother. He is too much of a compassionate person to harm another human being."

"We are going by what we were told."

"Who told you that?"

"That is private information we must not speak of."

"I'm telling you, you must have gotten the wrong Gustave Daae."

"Didn't you admit a minute ago that a young boy named Erik was staying here?"


"Does Erik wear a mask?"

"... Maybe."

"Is Erik close with Gustave?"


"Then that is indeed the right Gustave."

I banged my back on the piano when I tried to shake a spider off of my leg. I was so loud, there was no doubt they couldn't hear me.

There were footsteps walking closer and closer to the music room. I couldn't go back to the carnival. I was terrified of that place. I couldn't handle one more show where they had to beat me until I was black and blue. Each performance became more brutal. I was certain the next would indeed kill me.

"Speaking of the devil," Garrett chuckled. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out.

"I don't want to go back to the carnival. I beg of you, let me stay here," I begged with mercy. I didn't want to die. I could no longer be with Gustave or Christine if I did.

"Calm down, boy. It will be fine. You will see some of your old friends there." They had no idea what my life was like back there. Not only was I alone, I was the biggest target and the most fun.

"Do you not understand? I have no friends at the faire! The only ones I have are here."

"Don't be so dramatic. What are you? 14? 13? You need to start learning how to be a man."

"I'm 14. Maybe I never knew how to be a man because I never had a father."

"Get in the carriage outside."


Then they dragged me out of the house by my shoulders. They tossed me into the carriage as if I was a suitcase. I tried to climb out, but they shoved me inside before they slammed the door shut. Just like that, I was back to being a show performer who lived just to be beaten for entertainment.

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