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The sound of cars speeding by matched the pace of my thoughts running through my mind. The bakery across from me sent a delightful aroma of strong caffeine and sweet sugar mixed together. Cold wind bit against my bare cheeks. Pretty city lights sparkled above me.

It took me a few weeks, but I eventually gained the confidence to leave the house. I was walking down the street in the city of Paris. I was alone, and it was a bit late in the evening. To my surprise, there were less people here than I expected. I needed some time outside, so I decided to come here. Gustave didn't know I have left the house. I didn't want him to know. If I told him, he would want to come with me. I needed time to myself to think about a few things to sort my brain out.

I haven't held Christine yet. I was still a bit cautious about that. However, I have kissed her forehead a lot just like that one night when I woke up screaming. I was still a little shaken from the murder. I didn't know if I would get caught. I wasn't sure if I should go back to the fair to apologize to the bearded lady and no armed man. It was difficult for me to fully comprehend everything.

As I walked with my head down to the concrete sidewalk, I accidentally bumped into someone else.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." My voice was apologetic and sympathetic as I saw them collapse to the ground.

"Watch where you are going," He snapped at me. He was a boy who was a couple years older than me. Perhaps he was thirteen or twelve. He had sleek blond hair that went down to his shoulders. The boy was wearing a clean cut outfit of fine leather shoes, a white ruffled shirt, and brown wool pants. There was a good chance this kid came from a wealthy family.

"Again, I'm really sorry." My voice shrunk as I saw him rise to his feet. He was pretty tall for his age. Maybe about 5'6. His blue, gray eyes darkened as he glared down at me.

"Aren't you that kid from the fair? The Devil's Child?" He asked coldly. My mouth was gaped open but no words came out. I felt my entire body stiffen. My breathing was ragged and very quiet. Someone caught me.

"Um." I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I should have taken a run for it.

"I think you're mistaking me for someone else," I spoke quickly and, honestly, I wasn't convincing at all. I acted like a child who just got caught stealing a cookie out of a jar.

"If I'm mistaking, then what is this?" He asked curiously as he reached for my mask. His fingers gripped around at the edges, but I pushed him away before he could take it off.

When I pushed the boy, that was when the phantom was released out of his cage. The kid lost his balance due to my amount of force and almost got hit by a car in the road. Despite his height, he was a skinny kid with not much muscle. It was easy push him. Luckily, the driver stopped immediately when he was about a half of a foot away from him.

"You might just want to reconsider how you treat those around you," I growled deeply. At this point, there was no turning back now.

"Jesus," He breathed out.

"If you touch me again, I will choke you with my own bare hands. I won't stop until I'm sure you're dead."

"You don't intimidate me, little guy."

I speed walked to him and pushed him further into the street. A car suddenly jerked to a stop, nearly touching the boy's leg. If this driver didn't stop only a second later, the kid would have been hit. His eyes widened, but not with fear, with rage.

"I SAID STAY AWAY!" I shouted with wrath.

"You are what they say. You are a monster."

"You don't know the first thing about me."

"Maybe I don't. What I do know is that nobody messes with me, Philippe De Chagny." He said the last part as if it's the most common name known to human kind. I laughed as Philippe stood there and shot daggers at me.

"What do you find so amusing?" He asked.

"You! I find you amusing! I find it pretty stupid you would actually think I would be intimidated by your cockiness!"

"Before you looked at me like I was a shark," Philippe muttered under his breath.

"Lets just get one thing clear. Don't touch my mask."

"Why are you wearing it?! It looks so dumb on you! I think it's to hide the deformity. The deformity that is famous in this city. The deformity that belongs in that carnival."

"You will not speak of this," I whispered hoarsely.

"Who says I won't?" He asked as a dark smile spread upon his lips. I grabbed his neck with both of my hands and pinned him to a wall five feet behind him. I held my hands firmly as my fingers tightened. Philippe gasped for air as I choked him. Finally, I caught myself as I saw his face turn blue. The phantom was gone and I was back to my normal self. I let him go and he fell on to the ground. I stared at the kid in disbelief that I just did that. Am I a murderer? Is this how murderers are?

Philippe stood up, rubbing his throat as he got his breath back. He walked away with madness in his eyes. It was not over. This was when the rivalry began.

The History of the PhantomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora