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I stand,

 I wait,wait for something no one see's

Waiting for a wind, To sweep thee away 

Away for maddness

Away from all this Hate and Chaos

Away.......from you..

Ever since you asked me,

That evil question,

I've wanted to run away to the feels of green

Where it's good, and the chaos that fills my mind,

Can leave and roam free,

But i just couldn't make it to the green,

Getting dragged back into the alleys of despare 

And the streets of depression,

Making me sick everytime I look at what im in,

I despice the fact you brought me back,

Back to this, this hole 

That people here call home,

But I shouldn't be the angry one

You should,

For I let this go on,

I've led you on,

Please forgive me, I'm sorry,

So I lay here,

Lay in this hole,

People call home,

I will let you bury me in this hate, and maddness


For ever I will stay,

In this hole,

But I will always long, 

For the feilds of green,

And everything in ti

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