Chapter 3

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Amelia is awoken with the light seeping through the curtains. She groans and turns in the unfamiliar bed to avoid the sunlight. Something moves in the bed and she scowls into the duvet, unsure of whether to look or not. Suddenly, something heavy hits her back.
"Hhmmm...what?" Someone moans and sits up in the bed. This time she gets up for sure.
"You're the one that bumped into me at school!" They both say in unison.
"You bumped into me!" Says the guy with a raised voice, "Who the hell even are you and why are you in my bed?! Why are you even in my apartment?! Get out!" The unexpected loudness of his voice makes Amelia's head hurt. She rubs her temples and scowls at him, making sure he knows she's unhappy.
"Amelia," She sighs and goes to pick up her lace underwear off the floor, "and I'm pretty sure you know what I'm doing here." She wiggles the underwear in his face and turns around to get dressed. He groans and flops back onto his bed.
"Get out." He spits.
"Aren't you going to tell me your name?" She asks with a spark of sass.
"No." He says and he glares at Amelia until she leaves. She can't remember everything last night but what she does remember, she wishes she could forget. The banging headache and deathly hangover aren't helping.
Amelia stomps away from his apartment and all the way home. When she gets home Savannah and Shona are stood at the door with their arms crossed and Madeline is already at work.
"Where have you been all night Amelia?" teases Savannah an Shona. They giggle and make kissy noises.
"Turns out my first time was with a jerk." She states truthfully. They both gasp and look at each other.
"It wasn't the nerd who works at the corner shop was it?" They ask in unison.
"EWWW, God no!" I squeal in disgust, "It was some guy from school. We've never talked before except from the time I bumped into him and then blamed it on him."
"Wait... you blamed him?" Questions Shona, confused as to why Amelia would blame someone for something she clearly did.
"He seemed like a jerk and I was right. He had a go at me." She admits and heads to the medicine cupboard to find something - anything - that will help cure her hangover.
"What?" Mutters Shona under her breath, "That's a pathetic reason."
Amelia shrugs her shoulders before disappearing into her room. She comes back out again straight away and screams "IT'S THE DRAMA SHOW I'M IN EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR IT!"
Shona looks at her and her eyes go wide.
"HOW ARE WE MEANT TO BE AT THE SCHOOL IN TEN MINUTES! YOU AREN'T EVEN DRESSED!" Shona yells, joining Amelia's panic. Savannah looks up from the toast she was making and simply says "I can give you a lift."
"A lift? T-that's never offer to take us anywhere. Savannah! You've turned kind! Omg! So cute!" Amelia fan girls over her best friends sudden change of heart and quickly runs into her room to get changed.
When the three girls reach the university, Amelia rushes to the backstage area while Shona and Savannah take a seat. When Amelia's in the back she sneaks into the group chat that's currently being held. The crazy drama teacher is complaining about the lead role for Juliet not being here and he's looking for a substitute when he sees Amelia trying to fit into the circle.
"You, yeah you. The one that looks like death, come here." He says while pointing directly at Amelia, "You're Juliet." and with that the teacher walks away and leaves Amelia frozen in shock. She wants to scream but decides it couldn't get any worse, right? Well, it can because guess who Romeo is... that's right! The mysterious guy Amelia had been with earlier this morning.
"Ughhhhh, you have got to be kidding me!" He growls and stares intensely at Amelia. Amelia walks up to him and raises an eyebrow.
"Hello again." She says but before she can find more out about this mysterious guy, the drama teacher snaps at them, "Amelia, Axel! Get ready, we're on in 5!"
Amelia panics now. She doesn't even know Juliet's lines! She has no choice other than to make it up as she goes along. She quickly gets changed and ties her brown hair into plaits that wrap around her head. She puts on some light makeup and heads onto the stage, completely forgetting she just found out mystery boys name. Everyone is in their positions and the curtains slowly rise. The audience cheers and claps. Amelia spots Shona and Savannah waving their arms and screaming wildly. It's kind of hard to miss them.
She managed to write most of the lines on her arms so the beginning of the play goes well. After Romeo kills himself and Juliet crumpled with the guilt, Amelia has no idea what to say before she kills herself too. She mumbles a little before spurting out "I-eth shall now die-eth..." and collapsing on top of Juliet. The audience cracks up but Amelia can tell the drama crew is not pleased.
As soon as the curtain goes up, Axel is already having a go at her.
"WHAT THE HELL? THEY WEREN'T THE LINES! OMG, ARE YOU SERIOUS? WILL YOU STOP RUINING EVERYTHING!" He bellows. Amelia grimaces at his overly loud voice that echoes in the room. He continues to rant but Amelia really isn't in the mood to argue so when the drama teacher comes to question her she simply says "I didn't sign up for this." and walks away.
After getting back into comfortable clothes, Amelia wanders outside to find her friends. She spots Axel talking to what looks like his best friend and she can't help but listen when she hears Axel mention bad luck.
"It's like everywhere I go and everything I do goes wrong all the time. Ever since I slept wit- umm *cough cough* . This day is the worst day ever." He rants and his friend looks at him and turns away to talk to a group of people behind him. He clearly wasn't listening and didn't care about what Axel has to say.
"Ughhhhhhhh!" Axel groans and he starts walking towards a car.
"Hey! Wait!" Amelia yells after him.
"What do you want?" Huffed Axel and he actually stops and turns to face Amelia.
"I'm just gonna say it how it is and I know I sound crazy but please-" she rambles but she gets interrupted.
"Spit it out!" He hisses, "I don't have time for this nonsense!"
"Ok, Ok. I think you're being possessed." Amelia spilled, waiting for a reaction.
"What? Is this some kind of sick joke?" He asks, entering the car and slamming the door before getting an answer. Amelia sighs and watches as the car drives away. If she hadn't have seen a strange shadow following the car, Amelia would have left him alone but now she knows - they're both being possessed (at least that's what she thinks).

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