Chapter 1

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She grasps the books tightly to her chest as she walks down the corridor. The lockers inch closer to her, squeezing the air out of the room and stealing it away from her lungs. The lights crackle and pop before switching off and Amelia is left standing in the hallway alone still clutching onto her textbooks. The room is pitch black and her sight becomes lost as she crashes to the ground with a loud thud.
"Amelia? Amelia!" Screams Jess whilst shaking Amelia's shoulders. Her hands abruptly move away as Amelia bolts upright, gasping for air. She coughs as the air fills her lungs once again.
"Are you alright?" Asks Jess. Amelia stands up and brushes herself off.
"I'm fine." She lies and she blends into the crowd of people heading to their next lesson. Amelia scowls as she thinks about the girl who just helped.
"I don't even like her." She murmurs, "Why does she act like we're friends?" As she turns the corner she bumps into someone.
"Ugh, can you just watch where you're going?" She grumbled not even looking at who she bumped into before starting to walk away again.
"Hey!" He shouts and reaches out to grab her arm, "I'm pretty sure you're the one who should look where you're going since I've been stood still this whole time!" Amelia scowls impatiently and shakes her arm to loosen his grip before slipping back into the crowd of people. He sighs and continues talking to his friends.
Once Amelia gets to the right room, she searches for a spare desk at the back. When she spots one, she slams her books on the desk and slumps into the chair. She groans at the thought of having to spend 7 hours in this hell hole.
"Alright class, WW1,"the teacher booms, "what do you know about it?" Amelia groans even more and face plants the table, hoping that she can just hide there and sleep but her plan doesn't work very well as she is soon being ushered to the front of the class by her history teacher.
"Amelia, tell us what you know about WW1." He states whilst handing me the whiteboard pen. I know this subject well and I have more information to write than the amount of space on the board so I write a few notes.
Kaiser Wilhelm II
• his grandmother was queen Victoria who ruled England
• he spent a lot of time watching Britain's army expand and was jealous
• a British doctor failed to cure his fathers cancer
• a British doctor helped deliver him at birth which resulted in a paralysed arm
• large hatred for Britain
• wanted to be number one and beat Britain
• very self fuelled

The Moroccan Crises
• France wants Morocco because it's high in rich minerals including gold and diamonds
• Germany tries to take it
• Germany tries to reason with Morocco so they allow him to take over
• France is annoyed at this
• Britain and France hold a conference
• Nobody claims Morocco
• France tries to take Morroco again
• Germany still wants it
• France offer compensation if their trad suffers because of them
• Germany does not like this and brings in a gunboat to threaten France
• France succeeds in taking Morroco anyway
• France gives Germany a small piece of land in the middle of Africa as compensation (to calm down Wilhelm II)

Amelia is just about to write the 3rd heading before her teacher butts in and takes the pen away from her.
"I think that's enough now," He orders, "Does anyone else want to write something on the board?" Nobody puts their hand up and Amelia smirks.
"Now can I write about what happened between Serbia and Austria-Hungary?" She questions.
"Go on then." He says and sighs deeply. A group of muffled moans fill the class while Amelia scribbles down everything she knows. She can tell the class is pissed and that's what she finds funny so she keeps writing until there's nothing left to say.
The bell goes off and she leaves the classroom feeling quite happy with herself. It's a rare feeling for Amelia.
Finally, it comes to her last lesson. PE isn't her favourite lesson but at least she can get away with doing nothing.
"Come on everyone! Get ready for cross country! Let's get pumped!" Cheers the coach.
"Let's not." Grumbles Amelia who's currently hiding inside her locker. She's never truly taken part in PE so it's easy for her to go unnoticed. According to the register that was taken a few minutes before Amelia slipped into the locker, Amelia is in class and her attendance is still 100%. She watches the group of girls get changed through the small holes in the locker and waits for them to leave. Her warm breath surrounds her and her hands become clammy with the heat. Luckily the class leaves to go to the field and Amelia bursts out of her locker, breathing in the air before realising the mistake she had made. The air is contaminated with perfume and deodorant and the chemicals sting her eyes. She coughs and splutters. Even though there's a risk of her getting caught, Amelia runs out of the changing rooms and out of the front gates. If anyone did see her, there's nothing they can do because she's already racing along the streets towards her home.
When she gets home, her housemate is already at the front door looking at the mess of a person in front of her. Amelia is huffing and leaning on the wall to make sure she doesn't pass out from the small amount of exercise she just did. She flattens down her dark brown hair and throws her black converse to the side.
"Would you like to tell me why you're a sweaty mess?" Savannah asks with her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised.
"Why are you acting like my mum?" She complains, "You're 3 years older than me!"
"Yes, I'm 3 years older so it means I should look after you." Savannah says and goes to sit down on the sofa. Amelia follows her.
"I skipped PE again." She tells her.
Savannah is like a big sister to Amelia. She's been living in this house sharing complex for a few years. Amelia only moved in 3 weeks ago when she started university and Savannah has become a good friend. There's also Shona and Madeline in the apartment but Shona is always out with her boyfriend and Madeline is obsessed with her job.
Savannah doesn't work. She doesn't need to as she's constantly walking in with new jewellery or clothes every week from her parents. Savannah knows about Amelia's little 'episodes' and she doesn't help. She seems to think it's funny to scare her with stories of monsters and ghosts coming to get her. Now, Amelia is 18. That means she's an adult, right? You wouldn't expect her to believe Savannah's stories, would you? Well, she does. She believes every word that touches that woman's mouth. She believes that there's a ghost in their home and that it likes to follow her around. She believes the ghost is the reason for her consistent bad luck. It's pathetic but she insists she can see it sometimes. She can see it trailing behind her when she goes shopping or peering over her shoulder when she takes an exam. She says it makes her make the wrong decisions but Savannah just tells her she's the one making all the wrong decisions to which Amelia sighs and storms off into her room. So when Amelia tells Savannah the ghost made her pass out today she just laughs.
"Are you kidding me?" Savannah doubles over on the sofa and stammers when she speaks because of her laughter, "Are you sure you didn't just pass out because of how incredibly unhealthy you are?" Amelia's eyebrows furrow and she storms off into her room like always with a loud slam of the door following. Amelia has something wrong with her - whether it's her being possessed or not; she definitely has something wrong with her.

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