chapter 38

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Niall's pov

so today we finally get to take the two trouble makers home. Well Emily and Alfie to you but the trouble makers to us. When everyone was with us the day after Chloe gave birth and everyone was checking out the babies Rosie looked upset so I took her out the room


"what up Rosie you seem sad" i say

"its just that I feel that you and mummy and everyone else love Emily and Alfie more than you love me because it's been about the babies so far and even uncle Louis and auntie El are the same they seem to be ignoring me" she says 

"darling its because they are new we still love you twice as mucb as we love them and as for the others like Dani, Liam, Zayn and Perrie its their god children so let them continue but let me go get Uncle Louis and you can tell him yeah" i say and she nods and I poke my head round the door

"Louis come out here a sec mate" i say and he comes

"Rosie tell uncle Louis what you have just told me" i say

"I feel that you and auntie El don't love me anymore even though I'm your god daughter and the fact is that everyone is checking them out and ignoring me and daddy said its because they are new and Dani, Liam, Zayn and Perrie are going to ignore me for a bit because its their god children" she says 

"baby girl I didn't mean to you know that ok I would never ignore you now come and give me a hug and then I'll go buy you something yeah" he says and she runs into his arms and he picks her up

"come on you lets go get you something is that alright Niall" he says 

"yeah sure go on I'll tell Chloe and the rest what she has said" i say and he nods and they go off and Louis puts Rosie on his shoulders

end of flashback

once I told everyone they were all shocked and they gave her just as much attention as they did the babies but mainly Louis and me. yes I did still care about my new twins but Rosie is my eldest daughter and she will always be my little princess. I waiting for Chloe because she is getting reayd to go home while I rock Emily slowly and watch Alfie in the carrier. She comes out of the bathroom and we place blankets over the kids heads and then we sign out and go. 

we get home and my family and chloe's family arrive and so do the lads and their girls and then we all have a get together. we couldn't fit them all in the house so we get them in the back garden because its huge. everyone brings presents for the twins and then Rosie plays with her cousin Theo gregs son. they soon all go and put the twins to sleep and Rosie also. finally we get to be in our own bed. 

3 years apart! - a niall horan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now