chapter 29

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Chloe's pov

so today me and the girls are all going dress shopping, one for my wedding dress and second for the brides maid dresses. we thought going for the normal white but also lilac. oh I cannot wait. I am also 4 months pregnant now and yeah. we also decided for the honeymoon Ireland was the place to go. Niall's mum and dad decided that they would have Rosie while we were away because it gives us privacy and they really love Rosie. 

we arrived at the dress shop and the girls know the colours. me and El went off and Perrie and dani and the rest of litte mix who I was good friends with went off and also Jessie, Harry's girlfriend. Soon enough the girls find perfect brides maid dresses and also me and el find the perfect wedding dress. The brides maid dresses were Lilac and my dress was white with a lilac ribbon round the waist. (on the side). 

once we had paid we went out to lunch and meet the boys and we had lunch together

"so did you find the perfect dress" Niall says 

"yes I sure did" i say

"can I see it" he says

"no because its going home with El and is in her car along with the other dresses because we know what you are like" i say

"oh well I will have to go round El and Louis' then won't i" he says 

"if El is there which she always is then No" i say

"oh bummer" he says and I laugh

we finish eating lunch and then we go home and chill out. we had finished planning and everything and now its just the case of waiting for the day. I am getting excited

3 years apart! - a niall horan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now