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“Grace!” Leo called out. He let out frustrated sigh as she just kept on walking and ignored his call. He saw that they were nearing the patient’s rooms, so he jogged up to Grace and grabbed her arm.

“Seriously Grace, slow down,” he said. She still hadn’t turned around so he put his left arm on her waist and spun her. “Grace.”

She tried to free her arm, but he was unyielding and wouldn’t let go. “Leo, let go, everyone’s waiting for us.”

“Grace there are four families in there, I don’t think they’ll even let us in,” he told her. 

“Well I want to go,” she said, trying to yank her arm away but only succeeding in drawing Leo closer.

“Grace, you sound like such a petulant child,” Leo smiled.

“Well I am a child!” she huffed. “Nonetheless I don’t need you to hold onto my arm like this.”

“Grace, you’re eighteen, you are definitely no longer a child,” he said, his eyes shining with hidden meaning that wasn’t lost on her. “And if I let go of your arm,” he continued, lifting her left arm up and leaning into her so that mere centimetres stood between their faces “you’ll run away.”

“You don’t scare me Leo,” she whispered, her chin tipped up defiantly. “You could never give me a cause to run away with my tail between my legs.”

“Funny Grace, what was that thing that you did this morning? Huh? Because it seemed to me like you were running away,” he whispered back, slowly walking back so that Grace’s back was against the white wall.

Her blue eyes flashed at him in her anger and she whispered heatedly “It wasn’t running away, I just really wanted to see my grandad.”

Leo didn’t even know when they had switched from talking normally to fighting in whispers with Grace pressed against the wall and him with her lips so tantalisingly close.

“Nope Grace, unless ‘I-really-wanted-to-see-my-grandad’ is code for ‘I’m-running-away-because-I’m-scared, then you were running away” he muttered with sarcasm.

“Well I’m not scared and I’m not going to run away,” she whispered defensively.

“Really?” Leo mocked as he raised one dark eyebrow at her. “Even if I do this?” he murmured as he let go of her arm and then placed both of his hands on the wall by her sides to cage her.

“Well, the odds are not in my favour,” she whispered breathlessly.

“What about this?” he asked against her neck as he began to nip at the sensitive spot below her ear.

“Still here,” she moaned into his hair and closed her eyes. Her hands were now grabbing his leather jacket to pull him closer.

“How about this?” he whispered against her lips. Grace opened her eyes to meet his darkened blue ones. They were teasing and daring her to run away, to prove him right.

“Not going anywhere,” she said clearly, looking him straight in the eye. He looked down at the hands that were clutching his jacket, drawing him closer and then told her “Good. Because I was going to run after you anyway.”

Then he crashed his lips onto hers, and wound his arms around her tiny waist. With her hands pulling him into her and his arms crushing them together, the nurses walking by couldn’t tell where one person ended and the other began.

She gently bit his lip and then soothed the bite with her tongue. He groaned and then invaded her mouth with his tongue. She was a little bundle of passion and sexiness and she was giving him all or nothing. The hospital faded from around them as Leo lifted Grace up and guided her legs around his waist. Her hands left his jacket and slipped underneath his t-shirt to feel the smooth and hard planes of his chest. He kissed her harder, if possible and moved his hands down to cup her derriere.  He pressed her against his growing erection and ground it against her pelvis. She let out the sexiest whimper and then started to move against him as well.

Leo didn’t know how long they kissed for, but he knew that he needed this, that he needed Grace. Her kiss was a drug and after two years, he was still an addict. Nothing could ruin this for him except for “We all know you’re a horny bastard mate, but come on! We’re in a hospital.”

Leo reluctantly tore his lips from Grace’s and gently let her down. Then he turned around to greet his best friends.

“Hey guys,” he waved pathetically.

“God, at least you have the decency to look ashamed,” Clara snorted.

“Hey Clar,” Grace said too brightly. “Nate,” she nodded at the statue that stood with his arms crossed across his chest, looking at them, bemused.

“We were just going to stop,” Grace continued, looking up at Leo and nodding he head.

“I wasn’t,” Leo stated unabashedly.

Grace blushed and slapped his arm. “Not the look I was going for,” she hissed at him.

“Is it just me or have me gone back to two years ago?” Clara asked her boyfriend.

“Oh my god, you’re right,” Nate laughed at Leo and Grace. “It was just like after Grace’s sweet 16 and we caught you two making out in her room. God, that moment was priceless,” he reminisced.

“Don’t be a dick,” Leo said, punching Nate on the shoulder.

“Sorry man,” Nate apologised while rubbing his shoulder. Then he grinned and imitated in a high-pitched voice “We weren’t doing anything I swear! Grace suddenly fainted and needed CPR, and I...” Nate didn’t get to finish as he saw the deadly glint in Leo’s eye and begun to run away laughing “I swear I was just giving her CPR!”

“You’re such a prick Nate Bassen!” Leo yelled after him as he gave chase.

As the echoes of Leo’s curses and Nate’s mocking faded away, Clara rounded on her friend and raised both her perfectly defined eyebrows.

“So do I have to you the best friend card on you or are you going to tell me?” Clara questioned as they slowly began the short walk to Grace’s grandad’s room.

“Well…” Grace started.

“Because it looks like a lot just happened,” Clara interrupted.

“Well he came to pick me up this morning and one thing led to another…” Grace trailed off and shrugged her shoulders.

“Okay, since we’re at your grandad’s door now and I don’t think our families will appreciate hearing about your sex life, I will bother you later and pay you out for pulling the ‘one thing led to another’ bullshit on me,” Clara stated before putting her arm through Grace’s and walking into the room.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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