Young Wild Girl

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Young Wild Girl

Grace held tightly onto Clara’s hand as she led them past the club’s door, the dance floor and towards the tables situated at the back of the club. They had grabbed a bite to eat at Pappa Rich before coming to meet up with Ellie and Mia.

“Grace!!!” Mia and Ellie both shrieked as they ran up to her. Mia, the tall dark haired Italian hugged her first and then Ellie, the typical blonde hair blue eyed Australian squeezed her lungs to death second.

Then they both gave Clara quick hugs and the four of them made their way back to table. Grace could hardly see anything, the disco lights being the only source that kept them from being shrouded by the darkness.

“So how have you guys been? I haven’t seen you since last week,” Mia said.

“Not much, you know going to Uni and hanging out with this dear,” Grace laughed as she tipped her head in Clara’s direction.

“Yeah babe,” Clara grinned as she took off her leather jacket and immediately attracted the attention of the attractive waiter.

“How can I help you ladies tonight?” he asked sexily. His smile was devilish as he grinned down at Clara.

“One round of tequila please!” Ellie shouted.

“Isn’t it a little early for the shots girls?” the waiter joked.

That is why we’re starting now,” Ellie winked.

“Ah, I see,” he smirked. “I’ll be right back.”

“Isn’t it a tiny bit too early?” Grace asked hesitantly.

“Gracie, the night is young, we’re young, let’s make the most of it,” Mia exclaimed just as the waiter came back with their drinks.

“Amen to that, and I’m not even bloody Christian,” Ellie said before picking up a glass and downing it.

They kept to the rule of half a glass of water after each shot to keep them from getting too drunk. Soon after the second round, Grace felt the slight buzz and confidence seep into her, the kind that only alcohol could give you. She had begun to remove her coat when Ellie stood up and proclaimed “Let’s dance!”

A cheer went up around their table and Grace checked her phone to see that it was nearly 11, the time when the club started to get busy.

They began to walk over to the dance floor when they were greeted with someone yelling “Clar-bar!” from the bar.

Clara turned in that direction and a smile instantly graced her face when she spotted the familiar blonde of her boyfriend’s hair.

“Nate!” Clara exclaimed in pretend surprise as she rushed to him. He immediately wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up to meet his waiting mouth. They mouths moved together as if they hadn’t seen each other in years. After Nate slowly slid Clara back down, he looked up to grin at Grace. She was the only one since Ellie and Mia couldn’t wait to get to the dance floor, especially Ellie, who had spotted the waiter from before, on his break.

“Still as vomit-inducing as ever mate,” Grace heard a familiar voice say to the right of Nate and Clara.

Grace saw an expression of glee overcome Clara’s face as she slowly slid her eyes to the newcomer.

She was not surprised by what she saw. In the course of two years, his status had changed from are you a fruit, because Honeydew you know how fine you look right now to babe, your beauty makes the morning sun look like the dull glimmer of the moon. His hair was still that dark chocolate colour, still in the style that reminded her of Zac Efron post High School Musical. The eyes that matched the colour of his hair, still managed to make her tingle in places she shouldn’t be and oh my god she thought to herself, that voice. It was low and deep, and she knew that he was making it smoother than cream, just to get a reaction out of her.

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