Chap one

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New town, new faces, new life, it should be exhilarating and exciting but not when it happens like it did. Pushed away from a home by an abusive, alcoholic father and into something even worse.

A life even more solemn, more alone than ever. I have no one now, nothing. The friend I thought I had didn't care at all.

I left and everyone just said bye, they didn't help, they didn't cry, they gave me nothing. No one has even tried to stay in contact with me. It just reminds me of how lonely my sad life really is.

I let a sigh escape from my slouched form. I opened Facebook on my phone, once again there was nothing. Why would anyone want to talk to such a messed up piece of crap like me anyway?

"HARMONY!" My mum called from the kitchen. I stood and looked in the mirror. The bruises on my arms were starting to fade. Dad's handy work seemed to stay around for a while.

My long, dark brown hair was looking like a birds nest, tangled far beyond anything that could be fixed with a brush. I just scraped it back into a messy bun and walked away down the hallway.

As I was walking I took the time to observe the photo's on the wall. Mostly my mum and my ten year old little brother Ben at the park or some other place 'fun'. Unlike me they both had mesmerising dark chocolate eyes with matching hair while I was stuck taking after dad: green eyes that were almost so faded that they could be considered grey in a certain light and dark hair that had no proper colour to it.

I forwarded towards the kitchen to see my mother staring at me with some sort of happy, hopeful look. I scrunched up my eyes and took a deep breath awaiting the energetic outburst.

"Harmony honey I've arranged for you to attend Jordan's party next week!" she squealed, almost jumping out of her skin.

I tried to give a smile, but the truth is that I really don't want to be surrounded by stuck up girls opening presents and then complaining because they didn't get the latest iPhone or the C.D they wanted. When they start complaining that they hate their lives I just want to go push them off a cliff.

"I'm sorry mum but I really shouldn't. I don't know anyone and I would just get bored anyway." I tried to convince her, but she wasn't having it.

"Honey we've talked about this, you won't make friends unless you try to make friends. I know it can be hard sometimes but your a great girl, it will be easy If you give them a chance." she was trying to come off as understanding and comforting but I heard the layer of disappointment underneath.

She has always been disappointed in me, it's the reason why she didn't get me from my father until it was absolutely necessary. I've never been the daughter she wanted. When she tried to get me to be girly or playful I always pushed her away.

Thinking back on it I realise I was pretty harsh, maybe if I just tried to be who she wanted there wouldn't be such an undertone of loathing between us.

"Ok I'll go but it's the last time I ever do any of this for you." I said half sighing. She gave a weak smile and nudged my lightly.

"Maybe you'll meet a nice boy." there was a hint of playfulness to her tone. I liked that she was always trying to put an upside on everything, but she knows that after what happened with dad I will never be able to trust any man other than Ben in my life.

I smiled again for her and walked back to my room. I've been moping around since I got here a month ago. I have so far been forced to three parties and a bowling alley to try and make friends. Seeing as I dropped out of school, it's the only socialisation I get other than shopping and swimming.

I put my earphones in my ears and started blasting my favourite song, trying to cheer myself up. It helped a little and I let out a genuine smile.

I soon felt my eyelids drooping and I fell backwards onto my bed, I was soon engulfed by a terrible dream.

So guys what did you think?! This chap was written by Rhianna!!!!! I'm sorry it's really short but I want to leave Shanay to describe some parts of poor Harmony's life. I don't want to be selfish and make it all up while she has some ideas herself!

So Shanay what's the dream gunna be? You should so make one up. I have one in mind but I want to see what you think :)

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