Bitch Leo, Dumb Donnie, Smart Mikey, Leading Bitch.

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Whisper: You guys! we have a dare!

Leo: cool... what it is?

Donnie: :)

Mikey: Do we get to throw water balloons at the bitch again?

Whisper: sadly no... but you guys get to switch personalities.

Raph: what's with the black whip?

Whisper: oh you'll see... evil smirk

Leo: Ok, so raph and I will switch.

Donnie: alright, so Mickey and I get to switch.

Mikey: cool...

Leo: I'm so angry! says it like Raph.

Raph: I don't sound like that!

Whisper: Cracks whip really hard and everyone stares at her. What?

Mikey: Dude! you're not the hating type!

Whisper: around raph I sure as hell am!

Leo: what is it that you have against raph?

Whisper: that is top secret.

Mikey: I'm heading into donnie's lab for a bit.

Donnie: Don't break anything! I'm going to go skate boarding.

Whisper: I'll go with you. takes out a pair of roller blades.

Leo: What the shell?

Whisper: what? I can't skateboard, so this is something I can do.

Raph: failure.

Whisper: whips the whip in his face and almost hits him.

Raph: O.O'

Whisper: Shut the hell up or get whipped bitch!

Donnie: leaves the lair with whisper.

Leo: don't forget to comment your questions and dares.

Raph: don't forget I hate you all.

Whisper: comes back and slaps him with a satisfied smirk on her face. That was for Mikey. punches him. that was for fun.

Everyone except the bitch: bye. 

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