Starting things off...

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Whisper: Starts reading an over sized book.

Leo, Mikey, and Donnie walk into the room.

Mikey: Holy huge book!

Whisper: jumps a little bit. You scared me!

Leo: I agree with Mikey, that is a big book.

Donnie: What are you reading? joins Whisper on the couch.

Whisper: The complete poems and stories of Edgar Allen Poe...

Leo: That crazy guy that writes about death?

Mikey: Never heard of him. sits on the other side of Whisper on the couch and turns on the tv.

Whisper: Leo, he wrote some of the greatest poetry I have ever read. He died at the age of 40, and the raven is not only one of his poems, but they made it into a movie.

Donnie: Cool.

Whisper: gets an idea. Donnie, you just gave me an idea... :)

Donnie, Leo and Mikey: He/I did?

Whisper: Yeah. :) I'll be back...leaves.

Mikey: What was that about?

Leo: I don't know.

Donnie: picks up the book and looks through it. There are a lot of pages in here and she's almost halfway through it.

Leo and Mikey: WHAT?! HOW MANY?

Donnie: 1023...

Leo: how many pages does she have left to read?


Mikey: turns the tv on again. (it was somehow turned off)

Whisper walks in with popcorn, candy, soda, and a movie.

Whisper: I have returned!

Leo: Hi... what's with the bags of stuff you have in your hands?

Whisper: Its for the dare I'm giving to start things off... I got the movie the raven, and we are going to watch it... :)

Leo: ok... I'll go get Raphael...

Donnie: you're into the classics aren't you?

Whisper: Yeah... I guess so... :)

Mikey: If you two are going to stare at each other like that I'm going to tell April...

Donnie: Sorry about that...

Whisper: Its ok... Do you two want to know my real name?

Mikey: yes.

Donnie: You don't have to tell us...

Whisper: my real name is Summer....

Mikey: pretty name.

Donnie: Cool...

Leo walks back in the room with raphie.

Leo: Lets get this over with.

Start watching the movie. Mikey ate all the candy and drank most if the soda... The others including me ate the popcorn.

Leo: That was an interesting movie...

Whisper: you haven't seen the murders in the rue morgue yet...

Donnie: that was a good movie... Not only was Edgar Allen Poe crazy, but he was a dark genius.

Mikey: The Prince of darkness! :)

Whisper: looking freaked out. What have you done?!

Mikey: what?

Whisper: don't say his name!

Mikey: whispers the Prince of darkness.

Whisper disappears in a cloud if grey smoke.

Leo:what happened to Whisper?

Raph: Do we look like we know?

Donnie: don't forget to comment your questions and dares..

Mikey: bye.

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