Chapter 5: Feelings Unknown

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I haven't seen Connor yet.

I'm not sure if I wanted to or not.

When I got on the bus. I picked the third one. And he went on the back of the Second one.

I could occasionally see him looking back at my bus.
His eyes searching.

But what was he searching for?

As I sit by myself listening to music, he looks back again.

But turns back around.

I look outside the bus window, beginning to think.

When I get off of the bus, I check myself Present on the list.

Then I go near the cafeteria doors and wait to be let out.

I pick up the smell of heavy cologne. Instantly thinking it was Connor, I turned around.

And it was him.

He walked away to the snack line. With his friends.

His cologne lingered under my nose.

I closed my eyes, not to be weird, but I savored it.

The bell rung, signaling for us to go to our next class.
My eyes reopened, and I sigh.

I could hear Connor behind me, making jokes with his empty-headed friends.

I put in my earbuds, and hurry to my art class.

When I get to my English class, Anna widens her eyes.

Connor was there, pretending to hump his hands.

I look around him and throw a peace sign up at Anna.

He noticed this. And stopped his movements, glancing at me.

I sit down next to Anna.
"I'm so excited!" I whisper shout.

I was so thrilled that I couldn't contain myself.

She laughs.

Connor passes closely behind us.

I smile at Anna.
"I'm getting new glasses today!" I say excitedly.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Connor staring at us.

He so wanted attention.
I don't know if it was directly from us, but he wanted it.

"Calm down Angel." She laughs out.

I was hyper, I had to admit it.

Connor sits down. But again, not in his regular seat.

But I could feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my face.

The teacher tells us to settle down and do the vocab warm-up.

I shift and bounce uncomfortably in my seat.

Connor suddenly gets up, walking so close to me.
Then stopping behind us, but not facing our way.

I could yet again smell his cologne.
It made me miss him even more.

Anna takes out her phone.

Mine vibrates after a few seconds.

Anna: When you came in, Connor tapped my shoulder. He whispered something to me then did this little dance. I was like wtf?

My heart crumbles with the text.

But I put on a smile.
When I get home, my god sister greets me warmly.

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