Fruit Picking

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                                Sorry the last chapter was so short I'll try to make this one longer.

                               Pic is of Lucy at 16.  Her hair is blond now. In no way do I own this pic.

                                                                           10 years later:

                         Lucy, our heroin, is still alive. She's not grimy, nor is she dirty like people would expect. Her clothes are very small and very ripped.  For the last ten years Lucy has kept herself well groomed. She bathes, she even cuts her hair sort of. Very civilized for a wild child, don't ya think?                            

                       Lucy is not susceptible to poisons of any kind. She is far more healthy than any 16 year old alive. Lucy built her own shelter. Lucy eats a lot vegetables and fruits. Which is where we come to our next knothole in our story tree.


                    One day Lucy went out. Then there was a path paved in leaves of bright yellow, dark brown and, pale orange and rocks of every shape, size, and form. They were strewn as though someone had been trying to hide the path. They weren't doing a very good job though.

                From what Lucy could see they thought they were good, but truthfully after years of living in the forest there was very little Lucy didn't see she had to be careful. There are much worse things in the woods than in an urban setting. Sure, in everyday life you have psychopaths, but really I think the woods are a much worse. So many unknown dangers.

                 So, Lucy followed the path. Honestly inside Lucy's mind there were waring thoughts. Not only on the danger, but  also curiosity. As she travelled along, her thoughts filled with curiosity and dread.

                   Suddenly, Lucy came upon a fence with the words No Trespassing. The words looked jumbled up and foreign to her because Lucy hadn't read anything in nearly 11 years. So in all misbegotten honesty was more wayward than a pickled pear.  As she was trying to decipher it Lucy noticed a little blueberry bush in the middle of the clearing beyond the sign.

             Lucy jumped the fence. In that way that bad boys do when they're going to vandalize school property. Lucy was still like a six year old in many ways, but in others she was older than her age.

            Just as Lucy got to the bush, a twig snaped behind her. She ignored it and picked a couple of berries. Lucy ate one of the berries she'd picked. Then suddenly Lucy's world went BLACK . . . 

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