prologue: he survived

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tom took a deep breath

its been a year since the robot accident and he couldn't forgive himself, he killed a man he killed tord and he knew it, and here he is drinking the tenth bottle of Smirnoff he swears that he could win a record for the most alcoholic man in the world, he took a long breath as he heard a hard knock on the door like metal hitting wood.

standing up tom went to the door grudgingly and tried to reach for the door knob but before he could the door swung open and hit his face, falling to the ground he looked up at a devil horned silhouette he took his time to adjust at who the man was as he slowly became to realize

tord.. he swore he swore to his alcohol that he was dreaming, dreaming that tord survived with scars on his face and a robotic arm, he teared up as he looked up at tord 

"t....tord?" tom hiccuped holding back the salty tears seeing the figure smile a large devious smile

the smile tom always felt afraid of the smile that reminded him when he went into the giant robot that nearly killed him.

"aw tom you remembered" his Norwegian accent was deep and strong his robotic arm whistling as it was cooling down "thought i died didn't you" he kneeled down snickering "tsk tsk look at yourself all messy and smell that drenching smell of alcohol you let yourself go didn't you" tord pinched tom's cheek as he pushes him to the floor standing up straight "good thing i have a offer.." two soldiers appeared one was short and chubby a broken cigarette in his mouth and he had bushy eyebrows and bandages on his left eye, the other was tall and had the most stylist hair as they both smirked down at me 

"and its a offer you cannot deny" tord snickered and so did the followers of tord. tom looked up at them fear showing in his voids

"and..what may that offer be.." tom mumbled his words slurred.

"i need you in my army i need a personal body guard" tord tilts his head "you have that project of mine in you and he was made for protecting me" he cooed softly, tom blinked remembering the accident as he remembered who the odd figure was it was tord and the two who made him become a monster. they were the reason tom nearly killed his friends all because he obeyed obeyed the order of the man who made him a monster , tom glared up at tord as he looks down its his fault tord looked the way he is and the only answer he could give was...

"i will do it

the body guard and the leader(tomtord future au)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang