This Shall Never Be Mentioned

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A/N: Soo…Me being a dork i deleted chapter 3 by accedent so i guess ill write this again but changing what happened cause I don't Remember what I Exactly wrote ._. SOO ENJOY and im truley sorry for deleting chapters, but i feel like you guys might like these better<3


*time skip to the next day at school*

As Always Im having probloms with finding a seat at lunch and being forever alone didn't really help out.

But who can blame that? its my second day at this school yet again…I had these probloms at my old one.

I felt someone rest their arm on my shoulder causing me to slap it away.

"Jeeze calm down."

Leo said and walked into the line to grab his lunch. I didn't want to talk to leo after what happened yesterday…What kind of frickery was that?! Persephone banging on doors and nearly scaring Leo to death when She refused to let him go home, and I for one found that hilarious…why? .………Im not sure…

"Just Leave Me Alone leo"

"Are you sure? All the tables are full and then we have the coolest table and thats the one where I sit and best thing is…Only 10 people sit there! wich means uh…9 seats are available!! You can sit with us!!" (ik pretty big table ouo)

I sighed and agreed not wanting to eat my lunch in the bathroom like yesterday……

When we got our lunches, Leo walked me to the table where 9 people were sitting and with Leo it would be 10 plus me…11

Leo smiled and sat next to a light brown haired girl.

"Ok This is… Annabeth, Percy, Hazel, Frank, Piper, Jason, Rachel, Octavian and this beautiful young lady is Calypso"

Calypso looked up at him and grumbled "Dont call me that" And it was pretty easy to see He didn't like Octavian because he spoke his name in pure distaste and disgust

Everyone was doing something. Annabeth was reading a book and Percy had his arms around her waist,with his head on her shoulder and looking at the book as well.

Jason and Piper were making plans for the night, Hazel and Frank were just laughing softly and talking about random things and Octavian looked like he was annoying the heck out of Rachel because soon she stomped out saying "UGGH" in the middle of what ever Octavian was saying and Calypso who was next to leo, was holding his hand but ignoring him. She just stared at other people or remained silent not even taking one small look at leo.

Soon Everyone just stopped what they were doing and Piper and Annabeth started laughing until Hazel got up and said,

"Hey guys Frank and I are going On a small trip!! and we can bring one person who wants to come?"

Everyone rose their hand and just that very moment Rachel came back in. Hazel giggled and said

"Rachel im taking you on a trip with me"


she said happily. And sat back down. Hazel smiled sweetly at her.

"Well c'mon we have to go pack and say goodbye to the teachers"

Rachel grinned


Hazel laughed a little and nodded.

"Yes Lets Go! bye guys!!"

The three of them waved and ran out the lunch room.

Soon the bell rang and it was time for resess.

I sat on the black top and listened to music until Leo came.

"Hey Nick-"

"Don't call me nick."



Leo frowned and did the most childish thing in the world……He Wrapped his arms around me like a little kid and said "I dun wanna"

I sighed and stared at him for a while But soon got lost his his dark brown choclate eyes. I felt like one of those little characters in the hershy commercials where they are swimming around in choclate. I felt just like that…So lost and just…Enjoying it for some reason.

His warm hands cupped my face and his thumb lightly brushed my cheek he pulled my face closer and connected our lips in a soft loving kiss.

I quickly pulled away and stood up.

"Im sorry!"

Leo screamed and stood up.

"I-I-Its alright but…Just…This shall never be mentioned ok?"


He  said a little dissapointed.I quickly walked to the doors and went back in the school.

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