Chapter 2: Still Cassidy's pov

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   “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING THEY WERE SO PERFECT AND NOW???? MY LIFE IS SO OVER! I’M JUST DYING INSIDE AND I’M ABOUT TO DIE ON THE OUTSIDE TOO!!! I WON’T EAT OR DRINK OR SLEEP TILL THEY GET BACK TOGETHER!!!!!!” Lauren is pacing around her bedroom freaking out. I just sit there staring at her and my laptop screen. “Are you done?” I ask her “NO OF COURSE NOT I JUST CAN’T BELIEVE THAT THEY WOULD BREAK UP I MEAN WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HIM. I HATE ALL DECISIONS NOW.” She stands there thinking hard and finally screams, I just stand up walk over to her and slap her, not hard, but hard enough to knock some sense back into her. “Done?" I ask again. She walks into her closet screams walks back out “Ok. Now I’m done.” “Ok.. Now shut up I’m reading about it!” I tell her. It’s been a couple days since one of our favorite boy bands kicked out one of their members. The headlines read:


Personally I hate it, but I’m good at hiding my sadness. Then there’s Lauren.... she’s um.. she’s getting there. But that’s not the biggest news week ago I had signed up for some hip hop classes at one of the nicest studios in Minnesota, Larkin Dance Studio. At my last class the director offered me a spot on their competitive hip hop team, of course I said yes, best decision ever. Turns out we go to competition in a month so we started choreography, our choreographers? Nick Mara who used to be in Iconic Boyz but is now touring, Jason Smith who also used to be in Iconic Boyz and is now in To Be One and Dana Vaughns from IM5!!!! I almost passed out when I found out, I had to be perfect for them. I practiced everyday for 2 hours on the dance, everything was perfect. I had been sick for a week so I wasn’t at school by the time I came back on Monday, everything seemed different. I went to my locker opened it and to my surprise it was empty my books were all gone, I went to one of my teachers classroom to ask about it but when I opened his door his classroom was empty too? I got worried but decided to ignore the weird feeling I had. I went back to my locker opened it up and there was a note.. From Tyler.


    Cassidy, you know I would never do that to you. I love you and you know that, but my parents talked to me on the night that you first got sick, they had told me the worst news I’ve ever gotten. Before I say anything more, Cassy you are my girl you always will be no matter where I am in the world, if you needed me to sit there and hold you all night I would do it in a heartbeat no matter where I am or wherever you were. But as we go on so does my parents love to travel and I know you know they like to travel all over the world, and now they get the chance. Sadly this means I have to go with them, and Hannah has to come along too as we travel with her family, now I know what you are thinking but this is only for two years, after that I’ll come home to you, my girl. I’ve already left and I couldn’t say goodbye, or else I would have just killed myself right there. I love you Cassidy, no one else but you, for I will not say goodbye but I’ll see you later. I’m letting you be free, will you let me?

                        From, Tyler

    At first I thought all of this was a joke and that he would come around the corner and say “Gotcha!” as I would start to run off, but he didn’t. I thought I would break down and just start balling my eyes out, but I didn’t. I didn’t know what to do, so I just went about my day. When I got to Mr. Day’s class, my homeroom, no one was there, something wasn’t right; I couldn’t tell but my life seemed different, I didn’t even see Lauren today... Something was up.

    Once I got to the dance studio I was too sad and tired to freak out about the boys being there. “Cass you ok?” Maddie one of my teammates asked me. “Oh yeah, sorry. I just had a long day.” I told her getting changed into a light blue oversized t-shirt that said AmerIcanDance cause I got it from a dance competition called American Dance and Drill on it with black leggings and our new practice shoes they were nice, customized Nike Jordans, they had “Cass” on the tags and 10 on the sides because thats my favorite number, it’s a bunch of different colors the base is white though. When I walked into the studio 4, that’s the room we were practicing in, I saw Jason Smith from To Be One sitting on the ground scrolling through songs for warm up, no one else was in there so I went and sat down in front of him. “Hi I’m Cassidy, but most people call me Cass, Cassie, or Bell short for Bella, my middle name.” I said holding out my hand. When he looked up he smiled and I met his big beautiful brown eyes “Hi I’m Jason.” He said smiling again and shaking my hand. I didn’t know what to say I just got lost in his eyes. “Haha I know. You’re from To Be One.” I said to him he thought about it for a second then laughed I love his smile, I frowned and lowered my head when I started thinking about Tyler.... I guess Jason must have noticed something was up because he walked over to me and lifted up my chin gently. “Hey.” He said trying to meet my eyes. I just sat there staring at a wall trying not to let him see the hurt in my eyes, but to late. He turned my chin so that I was looking at him, staring into those big soft brown orbs. “I know things may not have been good for you lately, I can see it in your eyes, which btw are beautiful.” I blushed and hid my face a little, before I could disagree. “Cassidy, I want you to know I’m here for you, you don’t have to tell me what happen, but I just want you to know I’m here even though we just met.” He looked straight into my eyes and I got this rush of feeling I couldn’t explain, I couldn’t find any words to say so I just nodded. He was leaning in a little and I wanted to too, but I just couldn’t. I broke our contact and he looked shocked yet a second later understood. “CASSIE!!!!” Someone screamed, I jumped a little but relaxed when I saw that it was Lauren, “I’M SO SORRY WE HAD A FIELD TRIP AND I TRIED TO TEXT YOU, BUT I GOT MY PHONE TAKEN AWAY THEN WE HAD TO CLEAN LOCKERS THE DAY YOU WERE GONE THEN I SAW TYLER AND HE TOLD ME WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN AND I WANTED TO PUNCH HIM BUT HE WALKED AWAY BEFORE I COULD AND I AM SO SORRY. I’M THE WORST BEST-FRIEND IN THE WORLD.” She yelled in between her sobs. “You were never my bestfriend." I told her. Her head shot up so fast. “You were my sister.” I told her as I ran up to hug the daylights out of her. “CASSIE! Don’t ever do that to me again!” She said half laughing half crying. I smiled at her then her face lit up when she saw who was standing behind me. “OH!” I said taking Lauren’s hand and leading her over to Jason, “Jason, this is my sister Lauren, Lauren this is---” “JASON NO BONEZ SMITH!!!!!!!!” She screamed. “Ok I’m going deaf. And that’s saying something.” I told her trying to clear out my ears. Jason chuckled and smiled at me. "Hey Lauren long time no see." He said as they hugged. I was confused and dumbstruck. "I know! How's my brother?" I wanted to pass out. What the fusco was going on?!?! Jason gave me a weird look, I guess I was starring. Lauren walked up to me and held out her hand. I stared at it confused. "Hi." She said "I'm Lauren Taylor Alamia." My eyes widened. I wanted to yell at her for lying to me. But I couldn't, I understood; Maddie and Dani get hate all the time and fake friends. Lauren didn't want that. We talked for about 2 more minutes then the rest of the girls, who were surrounding Dana and Nick, came in laughing and smiling at them, but they all ran up to hug me and Lauren once they saw us. We had a giant group hug for about 4 minutes then when we finally let go, Kaylee looked at me, then the rest of the girls. “We need a girls night. Friday at my house.” We looked at each other and nodded, then went to go stretch with Jason, Dana, and Nick, were waiting for us, I caught Jason’s eyes staring at me a couple times I blushed and giggled to myself, I’m guessing he noticed cause soon enough he turned a light shade of pink. This was going to be a good season.

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