Chapter 1: Cassidy's POV

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Today is my first day of school which was like a month before school ended. I was homeschooled for most of the year since I was behind. I have been dating Tyler for about 6 month, we met when I first moved here. Now he’s holding my hand everywhere we go, and I love it. As he was walking me to my first period, I saw Hannah, his ex.

“Hey Cassidy.” She said with her annoying little voice, as Tyler left for his class.

“Hi. Hannah.” I replied.

“Enjoying my leftovers?” She laughed.

“What if I said yes?” I told her with a smirk. She just rolled her eyes and walked to her group.

“Heyyy Cass!” My best friend Lauren screamed.

“Sup cutie” I say like usual. Lauren started going on about how she was sooo excited about the freshman year and how our last year in middle school was perfect. I was just looking forward to colorguard and to band next year when we were freshman.

          After first period I walked to my locker; as I opened it, a note fell out. I thought it was just another stupid note from Hannah, but it was from Tyler…...

~ Note~

Cassidy, I usually don’t do this, but I know this year wouldn’t be easy for you. I really hope you know that I love you and that I care about you more than anyone on this earth. If you need someone to remind you how much you mean to them then god damn it I will remind you a million times a day. Cassidy I know we haven’t known each other for that long, but when I’m with you I feel like I’ve known you my whole life and you make me happy. Nothing will break us up, my friends love you, they’d never want us to break up, your friends and I get along great, and I love being with you and them. So this is a little reminder of how I will treat you this year. Cass. if you do leave again this year then I will do whatever I can to make it work. I love you. Please don’t ever forget that.

                                Love, Tyler<3

And with that I walked to my next class. I have to say it wasn’t bad, I had a free period and none of my friends were in that class so I’d have to say it was pretty productive. I finished my homework for most of my classes (I like to get a head) also I wrote a note for Tyler


    Tyler I don’t know what to say. Thank you, I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed every moment since moving here, it’s my favorite place so far. We have come a long way, when I first met you I found this cute adorable jock that I thought would be a total player, but now that he’s mine? He’s too good to be true. I know that if I do leave sometime this year, that will hurt me so much and I wouldn’t be able to stand it. I love too Tyler and it breaks my heart to think that I have Hannah on my back. She wants us apart and I want you to be happy. Tyler you are this popular sweet amazing guy and I don’t think a girl like me should slow you down. So before you say anything else, think about what I say..... Please? I don’t want you dating some girl who everyone thinks is a loser, i love you Tyler, no matter what happens that will be how it is.

                                Love, Cassidy

I held the note close to me as I walked out of class, now? 3rd period, with Tyler. I saw him walking with his friends, all I did was turn around and pretend I didn’t see him. He didn’t see me till I was at my locker, I am short about 5 foot so it kinda sucks having a top locker; I decided to keep the note, it wasn’t worth giving to him. As I get my stuff together I feel someone brush their hand on my back. I get this weird feeling when someone does that and I flinched, suddenly I feel someone’s chest touching my back “Did I scare you?” Tyler whispers then kisses my cheek. I thought about it for a quick second then carefully slipped the note into his pocket without him noticing then I turn and let him kiss me then go right back to what I’m doing so he knows I’m a little mad. “Oh come on Bell (he and Lauren call me Bell sometimes because my middle name is Bella.) I was just messin with ya.” He pouts. Oh his eyes this gorgeous light green. “I know...” I said looking at him. He brushed the hair out of my face then closed my locker and walked with me to class.

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