Forced romance

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Its our sportsfest today and I'm too anti-social to actually talk to anyone so im doing this now.

Ship: jamilton

Warning(s): swearing, quick pacing.


3rd person

It was a normal day in Washington's debate class, and by normal I mean, Hamilton and Jefferson beating the fuck out of each other verbally.

"Hamilton, what don't you understand, your financial plan is stupid"

"It is not stupid jefferson, I'll have you know that I carefully thought of this plan"

"Yeah, carefully thought of, for failure"

"Oh my god, you're being so ignorant"

"Ignorant? You're the one who believes his plan will actually work"

"Why you little-"

"Pfft-excuse me, but your the little one here"

"Shut up jeffershit"

"How original hamilfag"

"Alright, that's enough you two, seriously you always do this"

"Well, mr.Washington, its not my fault that Hamilton here is being an arrogant loud-mouthed barter"

"Im right here you macaroni fucker"

"Will you two please cut it out, you two are just always fighting, and I'm afraid if you two keep doing this, its going to start affecting your grades"

"But sir-"   

"No, no buts Hamilton, I have decided and it is not negotiable"


"Eugh whatever"

"I'd like you two to stay in my office until this class finishes, and while you're there i'd like you two to write down the reasons why you two "hate eachother" so much, then I'll take it from there"

Hamilton and jefferson walked out of the debate classroom bitterly.

"This is all your fault hamilfag"

"Yeah, whatever, you heard the man, if we keep fighting it'll affect our grades"

"I heard hamilton, I'm not deaf and ignorant like you"

"Excuse me-"

"Come on Hamilton, lets just get in"


The two entered the cold office, jefferson then sat on a chair close to the desk, he looks over at Hamilton who was just awkwardly standing at the doorframe.

"So are you just gonna stare?"

Hamilton was cut from his trance, he slowly walked in, and sat on a chair next to jefferson hesitantly.

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