Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Tom's POV:

I sat in the guest room that I had been staying in for the past week and few days. Cindria was not letting up and I was starting to think my plan had holes. Just a few days ago, I thought I had made progress when she ran into my arms.

The way she ripped herself away from me shouldn't have hurt me as much as it did. I felt like grabbing her and pulling her back into my chest, maybe even threatening her not to move.

The way she looked at me made me feel...terrible.

I shook my head to clear it before the door slammed open. It was Cindria.

I grew hopeful for a second but the feeling was squashed once I saw the look on her face. It was murderous.

"You. Monster," she spat out, marching into the room. I stood up from my bed with a confused expression on my face. What was going on?

Once she reached me, I felt her hand slam right into my cheek, making my head turn the other way. I looked at her in shock, my brain couldn't grasp the fact that Cindria had just slapped me.

But then I saw something from the corner of my eyes and I looked up to see...Mudblood girl? As a ghost.

I then knew that Cindria knew what I had done.

"I let you hold me when I was crying when it was you- you were the one who caused me so much pain! How could you Tom?! How could you?" she sobbed while glaring at me furiously. "I trusted you with everything in me, and you just end up being the worst person I could ever imagine."

"Cindria, I can explain-" I tried to say.

"Not another word. You're not the Tom I fell in love with. Somebody who could commit such actions can't love somebody else! Somebody who could commit such actions that would hurt the people they love cannot love! You don't love me, Tom, you never did and never will!"

I felt a pang in my chest and wondered what it was. I ignored the feeling and reached out for Cindria again. She backed away from me immediately as if I were dirt on the back of her shoe.

No. Much worse than that, Cindria wouldn't even look at dirt like that, the way she looked at me.

"I do love you. I did those things because I love you very much," I said, hoping she would believe me.

"Tom. Do you realize what you have done? Not only did you kill Myrtle, you mind controlled Caleb to molest me!"

My heart froze at that. How did she- My eyes immediately flashed over to Myrtle, who simply stared at me because she knew I couldn't get to her.

"Don't look at her! Look at me! I had nightmares for weeks after that! I woke up screaming and didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you! You! The one who made it happen! Tom...what did I do to you to make you treat me like this? Huh? Tell me! What act did I commit to suffer from your actions of evil?" Cindria cried out.

For once, I didn't know how to reply. I only did those things because I was jealous, more so back then than now. How could I tell her I only wanted her for myself, and that I didn't want to share her with anybody else? How could I tell her I was willing to kill, eliminate, and pulverise anyone that she ever took interest in.

I was a bastard. But I was a bastard only for her.

I watched Cindria turn around from me, her shoulders still shaking. She took steps away from me until she reached the door.

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