Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Cindria's POV

The professor started walking around and looking at the student's paintings, nodding her head in approval at most, and when she stopped at the girl right beside me, I swear I thought I saw her roll her eyes before nodding in approval.

She looked at mine and her jaw literally fell. "I can't believe it! Someone can actually draw in this class!" she said excitedly while looking at my canvas in awe. "This is the best work I have seen in years."

I think she was praising me far too much.

She looked over at Caleb's and nodded her head in approval before slapping her hand on his shoulder to indicate that he did well but not what she wanted.

I picked up my medium sized canvas and began walking towards the door when I saw that class was over.

I turned the corridor and was heading down towards the Library, I had a free period with Tom next and I wanted to show him my picture.

More like show it off.

Suddenly I was shoved into a wall, and a group of girls wearing different uniforms from different houses were surrounding me, I only recognized the green-eyed girl.

My canvas was ripped out from my hands and was then snapped into two, and then thrown to the ground as if it were trash.

I could only stare at my canvas with a broken look on my face.

I looked around to see if this was really happening, was I really being ganged up on because Tom talked to me?

"You should know that we were all pinning for Tom from the beginning and that if one of us got him then the rest of us would back off. You came out of nowhere and ruined our plans," said one of the girls in anger.

"I-I- told you Tom and I are just f-friends," I tried, my eyes clouding with tears.

I worked so hard on that canvas.

It's only a canvas, it can be renewed, no need to get angry for no reason.

It's okay.

It's the jealousy making them act this way. They're heartbroken.

It's okay.

"Friends? Tom doesn't talk to people yet alone touches anybody! Listen here b----, if you know what's good for you, stop following Tom like some lost sick puppy and leave him alone!"

They're just angry.

"It's disgusting how you follow and depend on him everywhere."

You can forgive them.

"You even make him sit next to you so that nobody else can!"

How would you feel if Tom ignored you?

"Tom isn't yours so back off and go back to where you belong you stupid piece of trash."

It's okay when it's over you can cry and it'll all be over.

"Don't you see that Tom is on such a higher level than you?"

It's okay.

"Tom's a brilliant student, you can't just come out of nowhere and expect everybody to accept you!"

It's not okay, right?

I couldn't take it anymore, so I grabbed my ruined canvas and ran as fast as my legs could take me. Luckily they didn't follow me, but I could hear their mock laughter echoing down the hall.

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