Part Three

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Remington's POV

One Week Later:

"Sebastian Danzig, you've forgotten to pack your underwear!"

I send a smirk in my older brother's direction as our mom calls him from upstairs. Since she came round to say goodbye this morning, the entire house has been manic. She keeps saying that she's 'just trying to help', but whether she is helping, or not, is debatable.

Having packed already, and waiting for my mother to find something wrong with my suitcase next, I wander off into the kitchen, in search of some breakfast. I had forgotten to eat any this morning, due to my mother's surprise call round.

I enter to find Emerson sat in his usual seat, a plate of toast that Sebastian had made him still sat on the table in front of him, completely untouched. He picks at the bandage that is wrapped around his left wrist. Inplace my hand on his shoulder gently, alarming him. He turns around to look at me, and smiles lightly.

"Hey bud, I haven't seen you all morning." I say, in a somewhat attempt to lighten his spirits.

"No, you haven't." He says quietly.

Ever since my brother, and I have been aware of his state, we've both noticed the changed in Emerson. He doesn't seem as happy as usual. Sometimes, he will be like he normally was, smiling, and laughing about with us, but the often just has a blank, sad look about him, as if something awful has just happened. Sebastian, and I have been trying our very hardest to make sure that he's not alone at night, or at least safe, and happy throughout the day, but it's proving to be a fairly difficult task.

I pull my younger brother into a hug, which he accepts, and curls up into. I stroke his head, ad rock him gently.

"It's all gonna be okay, I promise. We're gonna look after you on this tour, and you'll enjoy it." I tell him, and pull away, looking down at my younger brother.

His eyes are full of tears, which alarm me.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't cry!" I say, pulling him to my chest again. He sobs into it, something that he's been doing quite a bit of, this past week.

I hear a sigh come from the doorway, and I see Sebastian standing there, holding a pair of boxers in his hand. He hurries to join us, and hug our younger brother too. The three of us stand, or sit, hugging, and rocking, just trying to make Emerson feel at least a little better.

Once we pull away, he looks up at us both, and laughs a little.

"I love you both." He says, causing us to smile.

"Look at my boys getting on!" I hear our mom smile from the doorway.

I look down to find a starled look appear on Emerson's face, as he rushes to dry his has from the tears. The process in doing so causes his face to go redder, and I help him, gently dabbing at his face with my sleeve, while Sebastian attends to mom.

See, we didn't tell her about Emerson's depression, because he asked us to keep it quiet; he didn't say why, but Sebastian, and I are sure it's because he's scared that she'll send him to therpary. And, when we talked about it, the day after I was told, he made it clear that he didn't want to go. I mean, sure, at least he's getting what he wants, which is probably making him a little happier, but it means that all of he weight of getting him better is put onto me, and Sebastian, which is a little bit of struggle so far.

"Don't we always?" Sebastian replies, with a small smirk.

"I'll pretend that I didn't hear that. Anyway, I just came down to say that, Remington, you have forgotten socks, and Emerson, you're taking too many pens." Mom says, making me roll my eyes at her.

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