Part Two

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Remington's POV

"Who is this guy, anyway?" My younger brother asks, as he throws himself down on the sofa seat next to me.

I shrug in response, reaching for the laptop in front of me.

"I'll search him." I say, and begin to load it up.

As I do so, Emerson calls our older brother in, bursting my eardrum.

"Thanks for that." I mutter, biting my thumb as I wait impatiently, tapping my foot on the tan, wooden flooring.

Sebastian enters the room, and sits himself down on the arm of the sofa.

"What you yelling for?" He asks, peering over my shoulder at the whirring appliance, which is trying to load at least a blank screen.

"We're looking up that Andy guy, and you were asking about him earlier." Em mutters tiredly, pulling his hat over his face, and lying back.

"I was talking to some friends that know him. Apparently, he's an egotistical prick, who doesn't really care too much for others."

"Loves his wife a lot too. Obsessed with her. Never leaves her fucking side." Emerson mutters from underneath his large, black hat.

"You sound bitter about that." I remark, causing my younger brother to remove his hat, and look up at me.

"What are you suggesting?" He asks, and I smirk.

He rolls his eyes, flips me off, and places his hat back over his face.

The laptop finally loads, and I hurriedly click the search bar, my older brother drumming his fingers on my head.

"An..dy..." I spell out, typing carefully. I nibble at my lip as I wait for the page to load.

I'm not shocked as to what I find popping up on the screen. He's a good looking man, seemingly tall, blue eyed, black haired. I click on images, and more show up, a rare few with a slightly smirk, which is probably his version of a smile. He almost has that cocky look in his eye, and that aurora about him; cockiness too. He knows he's beautiful, and that so many people love him. Maybe he is an egotistical prick.

Sighing, I look up at Sebastian. He mood down at me, and rolls his eyes. I poke my younger brother, and he too take a look. Like his older siblings, Emerson widens his eyes in a downgrading way, and lies back down, muttering under his hat:

"Yeah? Looks like an egotistical bastard."

"Does, doesn't he? That stupid smirk. I've read about a lot that he can be quite rude to people." Sebastian says, shifting himself off the couch arm, and walking away.

Before he leaves completely, he turns in the doorway, and says:

"We'll all just stick together. Don't wanna let that boring sod ruin this tour for us."

Emerson removes his hat, and agrees.

I mumble some form of half-convincing agreement, and stare back down at the webpage. I glance nervously at my younger brother, who sleeps soundly under his headwear. My older brother now gone, I scan the pages, the man's face, and anything that will give me more information on him.

Most of the websites that say that he's a good person as those run by 12 year old fangirls who won't accept anyone else's opinions at all, defending Andy to his death, and his wife too. In fact, I see more hate for his wife than I do him, which I guess is a good sign. Or is it?

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