I'm Your Favorite and Only Hobbit

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Adriana's POV

The eagles set us down on a huge bear like rock. I darted dot my dad's side and shook him.

"Daddy please I just got you back please wake up wake up WAKE UP" I sobbed and screamed.

"Move" Gandalf pushed through the dwarves and sat by Thorin. Gandalf put downwind on Thorin's forehead and whispered some elvish words. Dad opened his eyes and blinked. Dwalin Fili and Kili helped him up. I cried in happiness and hugged him.

"Don't ever do that to me again" I cried.

"I never will wait where's the hobbit" Dad asked I smiled.

"Bella's here and she's quite safe" Gandalf said. The dwarves parted to reveal a very flustered Bella.

"You did I not tell you you didn't belong with us, you would not survive in the wild, and you would only burden us" I nearly smacked dad but I let him finish. "I have never been so wrong in my whole life" Dad smiled and hugged Bella. He hugged her as if there was no tomorrow and held her close. I saw she was surprised at first but higged him back with as much intensity. After a long moment they let go reluctantly and dad grabbed her hand.

"Is that" Bella asked and pointed to a mountain. The Lonely Mountain to he Exact.

"Yes it is home" Dad answered.

Bella's POV

Night fell quickly and Thorin force fed me again. But this time it was caring and sweet. I didn't resist him and I really enjoyed his warmth. Eventually all the dwarves fell asleep and it was Thorins watch. I couldn't sleep I was restless so I got up and stretched. For fun I crawled down the side of the huge bear structure and crawled into the mouth. I swung me feet love the edge completely at peace for the firs time in a while.

"Nice night isn't it" Thorin sat down next to me.

"Yeah it is" I agreed.

"Look I'm sorry for what I said. I was just mad I almost lost you. You mean a lot to me. I-I really care about you."

"Apology accepted" I grinned at him and blushed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. We sat like that for awhile enjoying each others presence. Then I look up and at into those deep blue eyes. We gazed into each others eyes for a moment then we both leaned in......and our lips touched. It was a simple kiss but to me it was fireworks, bombs, and my whole world exploded. We kissed for awhile till things got a little heated. All I'm gonna say was that it was. magical night.

(Quick AN)

Okay you must be thinking too soon!! But I promise everything will make sense in the next book. Warning the next book will.probably be extremely cliche at first but it won't be... Ok I love you guys I hope you like this book!!!!



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