Elvish Horns and Wargs

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Bellas POV

I held up my sword oddly. I was sure I was doing it wrong. I've never held a sword before ever.

"Thieves Fire Murder" a crazy man in a brown cloak yelled as he pulled his rabbit sleigh up.

"Oh Radagast my old friend" Gandalf signalled for us to lower our weapons. I gladly put my sword in its sheath around my waist. I was till cold though. I clutched my cloak around me. With all the troll hub bub I nearly forgot about my cold nearly. Sadly it's still their. Gandalf and Radagast had walked away to talk for a minute when a howl pierced the air.

"Was that a wolf are their wolves around here" I frantically asked.

"No that's no wolf that's a- WARG" Bofur shouted. I whipped around just to be tackled by a warg. I screamed and tried to squirm free dodging the bites from the warg. Our of the corner of my eye I saw Thorin cut the warg down. The warg fell limp on top of me.

"Ugh heavy" I coughed while trying to shove it off. After a minute the warg was shoved off of me and Thorin helped me up. "Thanks" I sneezed. A growl alerted me of a warg coming up from behind Thorin I brandished my sword and stabbed the warg in the throat as it jumped.

"Good job" Thorin patted my shoulder. Happiness swelled in my heart.

"Warg scouts which means a pack is not far behind" Dwalin exclaimed.

"Who did you tell of your quest beyond your kin" Gandhalf asked.

"No one" Thorin answered.

"Who did you tell" Gandalf demanded.

"No one I swear Thorin retorted. "What in Durins name is going on."

"You are being hunted" Gandalf replied.

"Ill draw them off" Radagast said mounting his sleigh.

"These are Gundabad wargs they will outrun you" Gandalf tried reasoning.

"These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try" Radagast beamed and took off. The dwarves waisted no time as the wargs ran after Radagast. Some one grabbed my ah d and dragged me along as we ran in between rocks attempting to avoid the orcs. Suddenly Radagast led the orcs to close and one caught smell of us. We were all pressed up against a rock and the orc was son top of it. Thorin nodded to Kili the dropped my hand. I hadn't realized he was the one dragging me along. Kili slowly loaded his bow then shot the warg in the shoulder. The warg fell howling and the orc tried to attack. They were quickly slaughtered by Balin and Dwalin.

"RUN" Gandalf yelled. I didn't need to be told twice I quickly darted after Gandhalf. We ran but it was no use the orcs and wargs were surrounding us. To make matters worse Gandhalf disappeared.

"Where is the wizard" Gloin yelled.

"He's abandoned us" Dwalin shouted.

"This way you fools" Gandhalf directed us to a little trench under a rock.

"Kili shoot them" Thorin instructed. Kili quickly started shooting the wargs that got to close but he couldn't shoot them all. One snuck up on Thorin as he stood on a rock making sure everyone in the company got to safety. My brain stopped I drew my sword and stabbed the warg in the shoulder. In anguish the creature latched onto my arm. I cried out Thorin instantly turned around and slashed the wargs throat. A tooth popped of and I couldn't bring myself to pull it out of my arm. "Kili run" Thorin desperately called to his nephew. Kili ran to us and hopped in the hole followed by me and Thorin. My arm hurt a lot. I'm seeing stars.

"Oh lassie how did you get that in your arm" Bofur asked.

"I stabbed a warg in the shoulder" I winced and clutched my arm.

"Thank you if not for you I would be the one with the tooth in my arm" Thorin squeezed my shoulder.

"Owwwww" I hissed.

"Oh sorry" Thorin quickly took his arm away. I smiled in spite my injury. Suddenly a horn sounded across the valley. It was the prettiest sound I've ever heard. We couldn't see much from our hide away but a dead orc did fall into it. I back up. Thorin picked up the broken arrow and his face went pale. Just then a small royal blue bead bounced down into the trench. Thorin picked it up and pocketed it along with the broken arrow. The bead looked exactly like the ones in his hair. He looked sad and pained. I wondered why.

"Theres a pathway but I can't see where it leads should we follow it" Dwalin asked.

"Follow it of course" Dori insisted and all the dwarves filed out.

"Hey Balin why does Thorin hate elves so much" I was walking next to Balin in the back.

"Well when Smaug took Erebor we turned to the elves for help but no help came. And their are rumors that they took Adriana the heart of the kingdom. She was Thorins daughter. Everyone loved her. Her nanny got Adriana out first and set her on a hill. Adriana was never seen again. Their are rumors that the elves took her" Balin explained grimly.

"Oh that's really sad" I tried pulling the tooth out.

"Here let me" Bofur yanked the tooth out. I screamed and my arm started gushing blood.

"Oh sorry lassie but here now you can sharpen this into a dagger" Bofur handed it to me.

"Thanks" I gritt my teeth. My hand was now covered in blood. I was sure as we walked through this path I was leaving a blood trail.

"The valley of Imlardis" Gandalf put stretched his arms. I slowly walked forward.

"Rivendall" I whispered. My vision was getting fuzzy. I wobbled and ran into a pillar.

"Bella what's the matter" Gandalf put a hand on my shoulder.

"I can't see" I fell the the ground.

"Oh no she's lost to much blood" Gandalf exclaimed. Some one picked me up I yawned.

"No don't fall asleep" I think Thorin said.

"Sorry" I mumbled before slipping into unconsciousness.

Adriana's POV

We launched our attack an skilled very orc except one that managed to escape. The other elves made their way back to Rivendall.  I stayed behind because it was my turn to collect the arrows. We took turns.

"Go graze but stay close" I whispered to my horse Shayne. Shayne snickered in response. I quickly as I cold pulled all the arrows I could find out of orc carcasses. I was dismissing one arrow though. The orc I shot fell into the entrance of the hidden pass. I found the orc just not the arrow. "Thats odd" I muttered. I didn't care enough to ponder it. "Shayne" I called. Shayne came running I saddled her and we centered of to Rivendall.

"Alright guys here are your arrows" I handed each elf their arrows. "Finally Elrond here you are my Lord" i hopped of Shayne to handed Elrond his arrows. When I handed them over my hand brushed past the front strand of my hair. I froze the bead it wasn't their.

"Is something wrong Adriana" Elrond asked.

"Bead" I uttered barely audible.

"The bead your wear on the front strand of your hair" Elrond said. I nodded. "You have so many though their in your hair right now" Elrond gestured to my braids.

"That one's different it was given to me by-" I choked.

"Well we'll go look for it later now I would like you to meet our guests" Elrond brought my attention to the group of dwarves I hadn't noticed. One in particular. My face went white as a sheet. My brain stopped only one word registered.


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