Stone Giants...........just great.........

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Bella's POV

"Bella wake up we have to go" Thorin shook my shoulder. I immediately shot up and banged heads with Thorin.

"Owwwww sorry" I held my head as the world spun. Thorin just laughed. "What" I groaned.

"Dwarves bang heads all the time it's a sign of friendship" Thorin explained.

"Ow well that means we are best buddies then" I teased Thorin's face tinted red and everyone else laughed.

"Alrighty guys quiet down elves have super hearing remember they'll hear and stop us" Adriana reminded. We all shut our mouths instantly.  "Good now Bella everyone already ate you have to now while we pack up" Adrian handed me a bowl of eggs with a piece of toast. "Oh and dad force feed her if you have too everybody else come with me to pack up" Adriana walked away everyone following her but Thorin. Neither of us moved for a moment.

"Eat" Thorin said.

"I'm good" I pushed the food away.

"I will force feed you" Thorin threatened. I crossed my arms and smirked. Thorin sighed and pulled me into his lap grabbed a spoon.

"Hey let me go" I squirmed.

"No open up" Thorin held a spoon full of food in my face. I shook my head and sealed my lips. Then I felt a hand tickle my side. I laughed and when my mouth opened Thorin shoved the food in my mouth. I coughed and chewed for a second then swallowed.

"Happy" I asked.

"No" Thorin snapped shoving more food in my mouth. After 10 minutes all the food was gone but Thorin still held me in his lap. I didn't want to move I was perfectly comfortable we fit together like a puzzle. I enjoyed the constant sparks and warmth shooting through my body. He made me feel safe.

Adriana's POV

After everyone got ready I decided to go get Bella and Thorin. When I found them I wanted to squeal about how cute they where. Thorin was holding Bella in his lap his head in her hair. I hated to interrupt but we really had to go.

"Guys it time to go Bella I'll braid your hair if you want" I offered.

"Uh sure thanks" Bella replied blushing. I could see my dad desperately trying to hide a blush but failing miserably.

"Well dad go down to the company well be down shortly" I shooed him away. Bella quickly changed and brushed her hair. I did a fancy braid that framed her head and we both rushed down to the company. "Lets go start walking now hurry Lindor is coming" I whispered and we all high tailed it out of there. I dragged Bella up to the front by dad and Balin.

"Oh your hair looks nice Bella" Thorin complimented.

"Thanks really but Adriana did it for me" Bella thanked.

"It was my pleasure" I assured. We all walked along the mountain trail for awhile.

"What good weather we are having luck is with us" I commented.

"Agreed" Bella and Thorin said at the same time and blushed. I snorted.

---------I Hour Later------

"I take back what I said about the weather" I shouted over the thunder. It had started pouring right when we hit the perilous slippery side of the mountain.

"Me too" Bella sneezed. Dang her cold is coming back.

"Take cover" Dad yelled as a rock came barreling towards us. Wait rock thrown at us?.... Oh just perfect we are in the middle of a stone freaking giant fight. Just flipping great. I slammed into the side of the mountain for cover. I saw Thorin cover Bella. Awwwww they are so cute!!!

"This is no thunder storm it's a thunder battle" Bofur gasped.

"Take cover you fools" Thorin demanded as more rocks came hurtling towards us. We all ducked against the mountain again. Suddenly the ground beneath us began to shake oh no.

"Are you serious" I groaned.

"Youve got to be kidding me" Bella muttered. Oh nature wasn't kidding the whole company was literally on a stone giant. Valinor help us.

"ADRIANA" my dad yelled as our rock split apart. Leaving me Bella Fili Kili Bofur Dwalin Balin and Oin all separated from every one else. I had no words I was scared really scared.

"DADDY" I screeched desperately as our rock grew away from the other. I grabbed Bella's hand and squeezed it as our slab of rock sped towards a cliff way too fast.

"NOOOO" I heard my dad yell. Our rock slammed into the cliff pouring rocks onto us. In the midst of the chaos I lost Bella's hand. A rock fell on my leg and a small one cut my eye other than that I'm good.

"Adriana oh thank gosh your okay" Dad grabbed my hand.

"Yeah but....BELLA where's Bella" I looked around frantically.

Bella's POV

I'm going to fall die my life will end. It will be painful hopefully quick.

"Bella Bella hang on I've got you" Adriana grabbed my hand and when she did my other hand slipped. I frantically clawed the air trying to grab the rock but I couldn't.

"Dad help" Adriana pleaded. Thorin swung himself down beside me and helped me up. In the process of helping me Thorin nearly fell but Dwalin caught him. Thorin was pissed when he got to his feet.

"I thought we lost our burglar" Dwalin sighed in relief.

"She's been lost ever since she left home. She should never have come. She has no place amongst us" Thorin spat. My heart shattered into a trillion pieces at his words. I thought we had become friends. I thought I had started to fit in. I thought.......... Blinking back tears I tried to put a emotionless face on but failed. I saw Adriana open her mouth to speak but Thorin shot her a look that could kill. Instead she hugged me.

"Dont listen to him he's just angry he almost lost you" Adriana assured. Angry he almost lost me? I mean nothing to him why would he be angry?!?!?!

"Find a cave" Thorin shouted. We all carefully crept along the mountain side looking for shelter I found a cave but instead of telling Thorin I told Adriana.

"Dad Bella found a cave come on" Adriana waved everyone over after we checked the whole thing.

"Check the back" Thorin said.

"Bella already thought of that and we did" Adriana replied. Thorin made no sound. I went in and laid down my bed roll. I refused dinner once again and silently cried myself to sleep.

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