Be Mine

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This Story is under the Copy Write Act 2014. All Rights Reserved to amberj115

Cover made by greeneyes93


Mack sat in the extravagant office. The styling of the room he was in screamed nothing but money and high class. Shit, if he could sell off everything in this room, he wouldn't have to worry about money for a very long time. His daughter Megan could see all the high end specialists she needed to see and he wouldn't have to worry about where he would come up with the cash to pay them.

His day job was construction, hard labour that paid his daily living expenses and child support to Megan's mother. He still got angry every time he had to talk to the women that gave birth to his daughter, his ex-wife. She had begged him to marry her when his time was up in the military and he had agreed because she had stood by him when he came home and when he was in some dark places.

Shortly after the wedding she had come out and said she was pregnant and by their first wedding anniversary Megan had been born. The road was never easy after that. One thing after another, the doctors kept diagnosing medical conditions wrong with his beautiful little Megan, but she is a fighter and for the last four long years she has fought and he can't forgive her mother who had made it all about herself and what he hasn't done every step of the way.

The b!tch cheated on him saying that he was never there for them, when he was trying to hold down two full time jobs so that Megan could have her mother at home or at the hospital with her all the time. Somehow she had managed to find the time to screw other men and when he caught her in the act, she blamed him and kicked him out of the house. Now he lived in a shitty trailer, only got to see Megan at doctor's appointments or if he went to the house and then he had to put up with the b!tch and her new husband.

The door being closed broke Mack's bitter thoughts and brought him back to the present. Madam Louise gracefully made her way across the room and sat behind her desk. For a woman he assumed was in her mid-fifties she was stunning, a flawless beauty that he knew money had helped her sustain.

"Mack, how are you handsome? What can I do for you this evening?"

Mack lent back in his chair, he remembered the first time they had met almost 2 years ago. He had been working door security at a night club when Madam Louise's car had broken down across the road and some drunken idiots thought it would be fun to harass her and her driver. Mack stepped up to help and she had eyed him up and down then handed him her business card. Told him if he wanted to make some good money she had the perfect job for him.

Stupid Mack hadn't realised at the time she was a Madam and that she had some of the most powerful and richest clients in the city. When he had shown up for the job interview, still thinking it was for security and she asked him to strip and explained that she wanted to hire him out as an exclusive escort. To wine and dine women and let them have his body.

Mack had laughed at her and told her she was "bat shit crazy." As he got to the door to leave that first time, she had called out and told him to think it over, that it was $2000 a night starting price and all clients left a tip as well, a very generous tip.

Three weeks later he was back in her office after Megan had to see another specialist and he didn't have the cash to pay for it. He took the job and the money had been a life saver over the last 18 months. He finally for the first time in a long time had savings in his bank account.

"I had a message that you have work for me tonight?" Mack's deep voice drifted across the room.

Madam Louise tapped her long finger nails against the desk as she spoke. "Mack, Mrs Fisher would like a gentleman caller tonight and I was going to send you on that because she is always happy after a night with you. However Jimmy is sick, some stomach bug. I have spoken with the regular client he has been seeing. She asked who else I might have available, I told her about you. This is one of our biggest paying clients Mack and the most important one I have on my book. You need to be very clear that she is running the show and you are going along for the ride. Do you understand?"

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