Together Atlast: Chapter 12 (Halloween Special)

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McKenzie's POV

"Babe hand me the tape"

I groan and reluctantly remove myself from the couch to hand Kyle the roll of duck tape. Its been about two and a half weeks since the day we found out that my mom was in fact gonna wake up. And the day some......other things happened.


He began.

"Can't you get in the holiday spirit. Halloween is tomorrow!"

"Your point being?"

He rolls his eyes before snatching the tape out of my hand. I guess you could say that Halloween isn't my 'favorite' holiday. Dont kill me. It's just like it freaks me out. I totally get that you little kids and teenagers get free candy and stuff but still.

I don't do good with promoting the devil, ghost, witches and all that. Let alone dressing my child up as one, my children will remain innocent. Plus I've been taught not to take things from strangers. But Kyle seems to like this holiday so I'll act "happy" for him. I can tolerate it really so I don't think it'll be that bad.

A shiver runs down my spine as I think about all the creepy stuff that happens on Halloween. Looks like I'll be adding another lock to my door nob. Scratch that, Kyles door nob since I'll probably not want to be alone on that day.

"There, all done"

He steps off his stool with a satisfied smile while admiring his hard work at decorating. I'll admit, it was pretty good if you ask me. His smile grows as he plugs in two cords before telling me to look outside. With heavy steps, I walk out to the front and see that it's lit up with orange lights and those huge things you fill up with air are standing on the grass. But ours is the shape of a pumpkin.

"You likey?"

"You did great Kyle"

That was true, his decorating skills are really good actually. He jumps down the porches stairs like a little kid and tackles me to the ground. Not to mention knocking the wind out of me.

"Owww! Kyle what the heck!"

He ignores me, instead snuggling his head into my neck with his arms tightly wrapped around me. I curse in my head at it being so hard to stay mad at him.

"You're so adorable babe"

His head shoots up and I could see him glare as the sun was starting to set. A giggle leaves my mouth at the seriousness plastered on his face. He hates it when I call him that.

"Don't. Ever call me that again"

"Fine fine you win but only because you're so........Adorable"

I quickly jump up and run before he had time to react. My jacket slowed me down a little though. Winter was soon approaching so it was pretty cold. My laughter filled the air as I desperately try to run from my sudden doom. Which in this case was my boyfriend.

As soon as I got up and ran he had done the same. Now here we are, running from each other in his front yard. I ran faster as he started gaining on me. No one could ever imagine how fast my heart was beating right now.

"I'm gonna get you!"

"Over my damn dead body!!"

I yell back with a laugh. What to do what to do? I couldn't keep this up much longer considering how tired my body was getting. That when 'it' ran through my mind. And my 'it' I meant run into the house and lock the door. How didn't this come to mind before? It's genius!

I run as fast as I could away from him and into the house, locking the door behind me. Banging could be heard as I put my hand on my knees in order to catch my much needed breath.

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