Together Atlast: Chapter 7/ Pt 2

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McKenzie's POV

My brain still hadn't fully processed everything. I was worried about getting to the hospital as soon as possible. Making a sharp u turn, I quickly drive towards the place Nathan said to go.

The suspense was killing me. I was scared, worried, angry, confused. I just wanted to know what the hell was wrong with my mother. Grabbing my phone once again, I dial Jake's and then Kyle's number to tell them to meet me there.

I needed someone in case I had a breakdown. I just don't know if I'll be able to handle what ever the news is. Calling Jake first, our lines connected and I heard the voice of my best friend. I could barely form the words in my mouth. It was like a lump was in my throat preventing me from talking.



My voice broke as I said his name. My mom is like my best friend. My rock. She has always supported me in any decision I made. Always wanted what was best for me. There's no way I could lose her now.

"Kenzie what's wrong?"

He says, his voice laced with worry as I finally bring myself to talk.

"I-it's mom"

"What about her?"

His voice rose a little at the end of the sentence.

"There has been an incident"

"Well where is she?!"

I repeat the name of the hospital and he quickly hangs up after saying he would be there soon. I call Kyle and tell him what happened ending with him saying he would be there as soon as he could.

Blinking my tears away, I continue to drive towards the hospital as fast as the speed limit would let me go. After finally arriving there, I open the door and slam it shut. Quickly walking into the hospital, I rush to the front desk.

"Name please"

"Madison Taylor Johnson"

She looked at a couple papers in a manila folder. I impatiently tap my foot as I wait for her to tell me what room my mother was in.

"Room 3A24"

I follow the somehow difficult directions the lady gave me and soon find Nathan sitting outside the door.

"McKenzie, thank God you're here!"

I quickly walk over and sit next to him. His eyes were red indicating he in face had been crying.

"What happened?"

I say quietly. Taking a deep breath, he finally voices out what happened.

"S-she was hit"

The anger in me rises at what came out his mouth next.

"It had to be a hit and run. She was doing her daily jog and she didn't pick up her phone. So I drove down the path she goes and found her laying there with blood everywhere,"

He pauses and takes another shaky breath.

"No one even tried to help her and who knows how long she was out there for. I'm just glad I found her"

There weren't many people who drove on that path which is why she chose it. I'm now starting to think it wasn't such a good idea. A police officer came in, I'm guessing to ask us questions. I get up, roughly wiping my tears away.

"Who did it?"

I try and keep my tone under control because I knew it wasn't his fault.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we don't know"

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