Together Atlast: Chapter 8

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Jake POV

"Kyle, you have to talk to her like asap"

I say quietly as Kenzie made her way to the restaurants bathroom. Its been a little over two weeks and she has been beating her self up about the incident. I know I'm hurting inside too. Especially since I'm the one who's gonna have to pull the plug if it comes to it but I'm more worried about her.

"Don't you think I've tried!"

"Watch your tone mister"

I say, earning an eye roll from him and a squeeze in the arm from Kriss.

"Well try harder"

"Babe, he's doing all he can. You don't think that it hurts him to see her like that. She's his girl friend for fuck sake! It's her mother we're talking about not some friend she just met. Now calm your man tits and let's figure this out in an orderly manner"

We both look at him bewildered at his sudden change in tone and language. He just shrugs, siping on his diet cola and motioning his hand for us to talk.

"Well um ok?"

Kyle says, breaking the silence that had washed over the table like a wave at sea. Kenzie comes back, preventing our conversation from carrying on any longer. We go silent and my phone goes off a few seconds later.

'We'll talk about this later'

It read. I nod my head slightly as we made eye contact.

"So what do you want to order babe?"

He said to my best friend but only gets a shrug in response.

"I'm not really hungry"

"C'mon Kenzie, you probably haven't had anything to eat at all today"

I say, interrupting who ever was about to talk.

"That is so not true. I had an uh apple for breakfast"

"And what time is it?"

Kyle chimes in as he looks at his phone for the time like everyone else did.

"Kenzie how'd you survive all the way till 8:21pm with just an apple in your system"

She heaves a heavy sigh at the words I say. Answering with a simple 'I wasn't hungry'. With a clench of my fist, I remove myself from the table. Grabbing Kriss's hand and looking at the couple.

"Look, you need to understand that this is not your fault. I can't stand sitting here and watching you beat yourself up, starve yourself for something you didn't do! We know you love her, hell we all do. But do you think she would want you to sit here and mourn or live your life and hope for the best?!"

I say and wait for her to respond. Nothing.


Letting go of Kriss's hand, I start to walk off. He tries to touch my arm for comfort but I swat it away, walking further and further from the table with him following behind me till we reach outside. He rushes up and blocks my path before I had reached my car. His arms cross while he taps his foot, making me stop my movements. Now what?

"Do you really think that was necessary?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. All I did was tell her the truth"

He sighs. Rubbing his temples before talking again.

"Sometimes the truth isn't always what people need ok"

"Since when have you become Mr.Wise guy?"

I say, mocking his words. He puts a finger on my chest, pushing it hard.

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