twenty → imessage

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new imessage from liam ☺️

liam ☺️
can i ask you a question?

you mean besides the one you
just asked?

liam ☺️

you said can i ask you a question
but that was a question so like
you already had asked me one

liam ☺️
bri you literally arent making
sense rn

liam are you fr??

liam ☺️
i'm so confused??

never mind just ask me the

liam ☺️
i was wondering why you go
to so many parties??
it's not me judging you i'm
just curious

i guess i never really thought
about it. idk it was just always
a way for me to feel normal.
parties are such a stereotypical
teenager thing & i just guess
when i go it makes me feel like i'm
just a teenager not a crazy immortal
supernatural freak. i dont drink
anyway bc it doesn't do anything so
i'm always sober and it's honestly
relaxing to just see how carefree
people get, even if it has to be under
the influence. this probably doesn't
make sense...

liam ☺️
i feel like a jerk. i know i've apologized
for standing you up that one time &
then being a douche but i can't
forgive myself for the things i said.
i was hardcore judging your party
lifestyle but i never even thought
about the fact that it could be
something like that

i've forgiven you by now, liam.
it was like almost a month ago
and i know you didnt mean what
you said, you should really forgive
yourself because the only person
who has the right to be upset in
the first place is me. you didn't say
these things to yourself?? if i can
forgive you, you should forgive you.
why am i so bad with words?

liam ☺️
i know... i am still sorry though.
by the way, i have another question

what is it?

liam ☺️
if i asked you why you haven't
been to a party in almost a month
when you used to go one every
weekend, would you tell me?

why don't you ask and find out

liam ☺️
why haven't you been to a party
in almost a month when you
used to go one every weekend

i don't need the parties to make
me feel normal anymore because
i have you

liam ☺️

gosh liam
i'm saying you make me feel
you totally ruined the moment

liam ☺️
because you haven't been to
a party since we "officially"
i get it

okay so are you gonna like
say anything or just leave me

liam ☺️
i'm worse with words than
you but i'll try my best
all my life i've had trouble
keeping myself under control
and not totally raging out
about everything & you come
in and make everything so much
easier. like it feels like i can just
live my life when i'm with you
and i don't have to deal with
bad guys or whatever... so i guess
i'm saying you make me feel normal,

it's my turn to ask you some things

liam ☺️
okay go for it

so you still like me right?

liam ☺️

okay cool... would you like
to go on a date then?? i know,
i know, totally not cool of me
to ask you out over text, sorry
are you still there?

liam ☺️
yes i'm here
i would love to go on a date
with you

great so i'll come home with
you after school friday and our
date starts then

liam ☺️

what now?

liam ☺️
the full moon is on friday

even better

liam ☺️
excuse me??

you said i make you feel
normal... well if you still have
trouble on full moons n stuff
idk maybe i can help?? what's
the worst you could do, kill

liam ☺️
um... yes

hello?? are you forgetting i'm
kind of, you know... not mortal?

liam ☺️
oh right
i guess friday after school it
is then


liam ☺️

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