thirteen → call

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incoming call from scott 🐾
( liam
briar )

"Hey, Scott, I'm kind of busy
right now, can I call you back

"No, Liam. This can't wait.
What did you tell Briar
about us?"

"Hi Scott, it's Briar."

"By the way Scott, I'm
with Briar."

"Oh, uh, hi... ignore what
I just said."

"You know you're really
bad at keeping this
whole supernatural thing
under wraps. The amount
of times the 'Stiles' boy
has hinted towards it is

"Supernatural? I don't
know what you're talking

"She already knew about
the supernatural before
I told her what I am."

"She-she what?"

"Yes, Scottie, it's true.
I happen to be supernatural

"What? What are you?"

"She's a fairy! Isn't it
so cool?"

"But... how? When we
had the deadpool a few
years back you weren't
on the list?"

"Maybe it's the fact that
I don't flaunt it all over
social media like some
people do."

"We don't flaunt it."

"Well you certainly don't
try to hide it."

"That's not... we don't...
whatever. Is it only
you? I can't imagine
we could have possibly
missed more than one
supernatural being in all
these years."

"Actually, it's not just me."

"What, more fairies? Are
your family fairies?"

"Not exactly."

"Not exactly?"

"What does that mean?"

"Well fairies aren't born
like normal human children
are. It's hard to explain. We
are don't live inside our mothers
for nine months before being
brought into this world as a
baby, in fact we do not have
mothers. We have a mother.
Mother Nature. We are created
from the Earth by the magic of
the Mother. I was 'born' with this
face. I wasn't even on this Earth
until 2012. Before my soul was
brought into this body, I was
just pure energy floating through
the air. My soul is easily a hundred
years old."

"Holy shit."


"It's definitely a lot to
take in."

"Yeah, tell me about it.
Is there any way we can
meet up so I can meet and
talk to you? I'm only going
to be in Beacon Hills for a
few more weeks before I head
back to college but I want to
know what I'm leaving behind
in the hands of my beta."

"What's that supposed to
mean? Do you think I'm going
to wreak havoc the second you
leave? I didn't even know about
you until tonight and I've never
caused a problem in all the years
I've lived here."

"No, no I know, I just... I want
my friends to understand
who you are. I want us to be
allies. There's always trouble
here and most of our pack
is leaving. It would be really
great if Mason, Corey, Theo,
and Liam knew they had an
immortal fairy on their side."

"Alright, okay, fine. I'll
meet you guys tomorrow.
When and where?"

"The animal clinic at 2pm?"

". . ."

"We'll be safe there, I

"Okay. See you then,
Scott McCall."

"How am I the third
wheel of my own phone

"Bye Liam."

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