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briar just me and a bag of funyun's 342 likes | 48 comments view all comments

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briar just me and a bag of funyun's
342 likes | 48 comments
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itsisla delete this

itsisla you look ridiculous

althea.daye ur so hot oml (also i see that @ changed)

queenlucy fuck it upppp 🔥

briar you both are too good to me 💕 althea.daye queenlucy 

briar this is the new me deal wif it 😤😤 itsisla

briar also yeahhh the username opened up so i snatched it althea.daye

liamdunbar your beauty has blinded me ❌👀

briar you're too much liam 😂💘 liamdunbar

kiraaa you're so gorgeous even when
looking silly

lydiamartin omg 🔥

invisicorey nobody looks this good wearing that?

briar ok thank you guys, seriously but?? remember this doesn't make us friends lydiamartin invisicorey kiraaa

invisicorey i know you seem so cool though so i actually do want to be your friend

kiraaa ^^

lydiamartin ^^same you seem like a bad ass fierce woman & im all for it

briar ...ok you've convinced me invisicorey kiraaa lydiamartin dm me your #'s

mason_hewitt wait i want to be a part of this too i'm dming my #


you added scream queen, cinnamon roll, chameleon, and just mason to LETS GET FUCKIN LIT

hey everybodyy

just mason
im still shook asf from
the other day like
y'all are so much cooler
than some boring ass

cinnamon roll
not a werewolf but ok
just pretend like im not here

hey, i thought you loved me

just mason
i do but bro she's a fairy

i kno you did not just bro me

just mason
coreyyy stop you know
i love you

so how are you lydia, kira,
and briar?

cinnamon roll
you two are too cute

yeah TOO cute im gonna
barf get all this relationship
stuff outta hereee

scream queen
oh please, what about you
and liam?

what about us?

just mason
what do you mean "what
about us" girl he never stops
talking about you

i mean yeah i know he likes
me but i havent known him
very long & i want to get to
know him before i start having

scream queen
you say that like you have a
choice in who you have
feelings for

true, if that were the case
i wouldnt be in love with
someone who just BROZONED

just mason

well yea i know you cant
really control who you have
feelings for i just mean it
like i really dont know
him so its easy for me to not
have feelings

cinnamon roll
do you want to get
to know him though?

i mean i do
idk tho its just weird
for me to think about
have feelings for somebody
unlike me bc im like
immortal... liam can grow
old and have a family and
stay in one place for his
whole life which is
something i cant do. idk
if i want to have to go through
all the pain if we wont be able
to be together anyway

just mason

scream queen
girl, i am so sorry

nah, its okay, its a topic
i have thought about a lot
the last few years, i guess i've
come to terms w it

i get what ur saying but
i dont think that should stop
you from living your life
and potentially falling in love
despite what i said earlier
its actually so great

just mason

scream queen

cinnamon roll
cant relate but i agree
it shouldnt stop you,
i think you should just
go for it & see where thinks
can end up w liam

you guys are amazing btw
thank you❤️

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