Chapter 18: Rip The Castle

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The scene starts off with everybody chasing after jewels, Stickles and Matt

"Hurry up guy we're gonna loose them if we're not fast enough" states Zack

"There's no point. There already way ahead of us" replies Nate

"Ya he's right, we should just give up and rest" agrees Mike

"Are you guys fucking retarded. Aren't you forgetting something" states Garrett

"What are you fucking talking about" questions Zack

"Do you idiots remember. I can fucking teleport us to them" replies Garrett

"Shit your right. Ok, let's do that then" states Mike

"Ha ha ha. You really think I'm gonna let you make it that easy for y-"

"Shut the fuck up Gates" states Nate as he shoot him in the head with a coin.

"What a fucking idiot" states Mike

"Ya what the fuck did he expect" questions Zack

"Ok everybody hop in" says Garrett

Garrett opens up a portal and screams "instant transmission" and teleports everybody

The five are teleported in to what seems to be some sort of cage

"Garrett, you fucking idiot. Why do you have to screw everything up" screams Mike

"Ha ha ha. I see you guys fell in to my trap"

"See this is why we should let Garrett do the important shit" states Dylan

"I'm sorry guy I was just trying to help" cries Garrett

"Shut up. Don't interrupt the queen" states Stickles

"Shut up Stickles. This is why your a traitor, and the same goes for you Matt" exclaims Mike

"No you see, that's where your wrong. If I were to not switch sides then I would be a traitor to my prophecy" states Matt

"Ah shit not this prophecy shit again. Fuck this I'm getting the fuck out of this cage" whines Zack

Zack starts to use the force to bend the bars of the cage

"What how" questions Jewels

"Are you fucking retarded. Every single one of us could have broken out of that cage" states Nate

"This is the end of the line. I'm not letting any of you getting any closer" states Matt

Everybody starts to look at each other thinking about Matts weakness

"Zack do it" states Dylan

"I'm on it" replies Zack

Zack starts to fly out of the building that everybody was in using the force. And yes you can fly with the force. It's fucking retarded how you can't fly with the force in Star Wars. Unless you count R232D2.

Zack turns to see a castle in the distance and shoot lightning at it.

"No what are you doing. Not my castle" screams Matt as he runs out of the building

Matt starts to run towards the castle

"Ok. Now that that's out of the way it time to end this " states Dylan

The scene ends with Matt run to his castle and everyone preparing to fight Stickles and Jewels.

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