Chapter 12: Into the forest

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The scene starts off with everybody waking up to the sound of Benny screaming like he always does


"Shut the fuck up, do you ever not scream" Garrett says sleepily

"What the fuck did you just say to me" States Benny

"Yo yo yo, stop im sorry. I'm getting up, I'm getting up" quickly states Garrett

"What time is it" whines Nate

"It's four in the morning" states Benny

"Four in the morning? What are you crazy?" Replies Zack

"Well first off yes, and second off I have a feeling the Moss Man and Graz will be coming soon" explains Benny

"Wait if there coming to us then why don't we stay here and let them come to us" questions Matt

"Well if we did that then they would find out exactly where we live, right Benny" states Mike

"Wow I didn't expect that from you but ya your right" replies Benny

""A Benny............FUCK YOU" states Mike

"Well how are we going to find them" asks Stickles

"Well just get far away from the camp and try to get there attention from there. You guy ready to go" states Benny

"Ya" replies everyone

The seven start to head deep in to the forest until it reaches noon

"Ok I think this is far enough" states Benny

"Are you sure there coming to look for us" asks Garrett

"Ya I can feel there presence but they won't be able to find us unless we help them" explains Benny

"Well how do we do that" questions Mike

"Like this. Hey Mike your fat" states Benny

After Benny says this Mike turns into the fuck hulk and starts going on a rampage. Damn I'm still not use to writing that, MIKE TURNS IN TO THE FUCKING HULK

"Dylan your fucking bad at writing" whines Zack's

"Hey fuck you at least im trying" states Dylan as he appears behind everyone

"Wait why are you here" asks Matts

"Well I heard Mike scream as if he were taking a shit as I was training so I came over here as fast as I can" replies Dylan

After Dylan says this, everyone looks behind them to see Stickles getting fucking destroyed by Mike in his hulk form to the point where his body his in pieces

"Yo what the fuck Dylan. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU JUST KILL OFF STICKLES" screams Zack

"Too many characters" states Dylan as he ends the chapter in a fucked up way

Sorry Stickles

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