If You Ever Come Back 3

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Chapter 3

I fidgeted at the sudden stroke of the sun on my face. My vision was still a blur from the sun’s rays, but it didn’t take me long enough to remember what happened to me last night. ‘I was kidnapped.’ that was all I could think about, while I tried to free myself from the chair I had been tied upon. These ropes were killing my wrists and from the pain I felt from constantly squirming and forcing the ropes to let loose, I figured that there were already bruises forming on my arms.

I stopped trying after I felt tired and hopeless from my current situation. Who would kidnap me? I haven’t done anything criminal in my life! I wasn’t even involved with any activities aside from my church ones. I thought long and hard for a suspect of who might want something from me, but, sadly, nothing came popping in my head. To sum it all up, I was clueless to who was responsible for this.

“Boss, the pretty lady is awake! What should we do with her?” I heard a voice shouted behind me, and something tells me that this wasn’t just a teenager in our high school department.

“Let her be. We still need her for something later on. Just feed her food for now and wait for me to come back with him.” The deep voice said behind me.

My heart beat faster than its normal pace as I hyperventilated on what they just said. What were they going to do with me? Who was coming with him? What did they need for me? Those thoughts kept running inside my head before I noticed that a guy with rugged clothes and spiky hair was standing in front of me.

He took a careful glance at me and felt him checking me out while he was walking around me slowly. My eyes glared into his eyes, and without a notice, he grabbed my face haggardly.

“If I have it my way, you would’ve been badly abused by now, so be thankful, honey, that I wasn’t the boss.” He growled at me, leaving stains of his bad breath circulating in my lungs.

He slapped me hard on my face before he left me alone in this place I seemed to recognize as an old warehouse. I tried to look for anything I could use to cut the ropes, but so far, I only found one flat tire, one crow bar, and three mice gnawing on one rotten old cheese, which totally grossed me out. I hobbled back to where I was placed before in time without letting them see that I was looking for an escape pod.

“Here, eat that until he arrives.” The man that growled on me a few minutes ago commanded me.

I looked at the plate of exotic food that seemed to be the three mice I saw eating the rotten old cheese from the corner. I grimaced inside and was gagging to myself, careful enough not to let him see what his “food” was doing to me. Seriously, who was in a right mind to give a girl mice meat? And who was I to be stupid enough to kill myself before I could even escape this place? No, thank you.

“It’s alright. I’m good.” I said pulling my eyes away from the disgusting “delicacy” in front of me.

If only my hands were free, I could cover my nose from the killer smell. The man abruptly turned my face with his hand to face him, which made me wince from the sudden twist my neck has to withstand.

“I have orders from the boss, sweetie, now eat that before I change my mind and force you to eat it.” He threatened me, but I ignored his demands.

I kept my mouth shut when he tried to shove some of that poison into my system. I wasn’t going to get that disgusting thing into me. The man rashly grabbed my face again, this time with wide and scary eyes that caused me to gasp, which gave him the chance to insert the dirty spoon with its dirty content, successfully into my mouth. When it reached my taste buds, I could tell that it was the mice meat they fed me. I knew it was, when it tasted like what it smelled. I spat it to the floor and coughed at the remnants of it inside my mouth. I swear, it was the most hideous thing I’ve ever tasted in my life, worse than animal organs.

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