Round Up

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It was 6:00 and there had been no knock on the door. I sat on my bed, rocking back and forth, praying they wouldn't come to our house. This morning they made a public annoucement explaining that for their round-up they would be choosing random houses and taking the girls from them. The auction tonight was for 7:00. Only one more hour and I would be confirmed not to be chosen. 

Bang. I jumped up running for my bedroom door. There were two more bangs before I heard my front door open. 

"We have come to collect Nina Paul."  The voice sent shivers down my spine. Why me? I waited while there was a breif silence and then my mother called out to me in a shaky voice. 

"Nina" I walked towards the front door. This was my last moment with my family. My last time. I made eye contact with my mom, when she started to cry. But the vampire waiting outside for me snatched my arm and dragged me away. 

"I love you mom" I yelled, but the front door was already shut. 


I don't remember falling asleep. But I woke up in the back of a SUV. Every few minutes my body was thrown up by the bumpy ride. Where was I? 

I was taken. The memories of what happened filled my mind, and I couldn't stop the cry of pain that escaped my lips. My mother. I had left her behind, with the rest of my family. 

"Don't let them hear you cry. They will make you sorry you did." I jumped up at the sound of a girl's voice. Next to me three girls were laying. Only one was awake, besides me. 

"You too?"

"Yes. But I cried and they did this to me." The girl pointed at her swelling face. 

"They hit you?"

"Of course. They can do whatever they want." I stared at the back window of the SUV. If only I could just jump out. 

"Don't think about it. They'd snap your neck." She whispered. I scowled before laying my head back down on the floor. 

"Aren't you afraid." 

"Yes. But I don't want to die if I can help it." The girl smiled briefly when she caught me staring at her. 

She was pretty, with brown hair cascading down her face, and bright blue eyes. She was thin, and wore a pair of jeans, with a tank top, 

"You look familar. Are you from here?" I asked.

"I went to your school." 

"Oh" My face scrunched up. "Sorry"

"It's okay, I was a freshman." I shuddered at the way she said was. 

"Yeah" I whispered the word. We came to a screeching halt and the back door was opened. I was tossed from the van, and I fell onto my hands and knees. When both vampires turned around to grab the other girls, I surveyed my options. 

There was a fancy building ahead of me, which probably meant that is where we were going to be sold. And then all around us were woods. About five feet away, and short and sharp tree stick was on the ground. My head screamed stake. 

When I was little, I used to be obsessed with scary vampire stories. But I thought It was all fiction. Guess not. Insticnt drove me as I grabbed the stake and ran. 

"The girl!" A hoarse voice yelled. But I didn't look back, I just kept running. I made it to the wood line when he appeared in front of me. 

"And where do you think your going?" His voice taunted me. Scowling, I shoved the stake into his stomach. He doubled over and I contunied to run. Maybe, I could mask my scent or something. I ducked down into a bush just as a wooshing sound passed me. I thanked the gods as I turned to scramble up the tree. 

"Gotcha" My shirt hem was tugged and I fell onto the ground. The angry vampire clutched my waist as he drug me back towards the car. 

"You're not going to be sold. I think you need a visit to the King."

Shit My body froze at the thought. I was screwed, big time. I became dead weight as they threw me back into the van. 

"You won't escape this time, love. You suprised me, and it won't happen again." The vampire started the van, leaving the other two vampires with the blood slaves. 

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