Chapter 12

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August 10, 2017: 2 years after getting married, Sal and Brian are now one big, happy family. Sal's sister, Jenna, became a surrogate mother for the couple and gave birth to 2 healthy twin boys on New Year's Day of 2016. Their names are Brandon Michael Quinn and Ryder Edward Anthony Quinn. They're now 1 year old; even though Brandon looks more like Brian, especially with the long, shaggy hair, he acts more like Sal: his sassiness, falling down and laughing his ass off, slight germaphobe and clean freak, and his disdain towards Murr. Even though Ryder looks more like Sal, especially with the short, gelled hair, he acts more like Brian: his sarcasm, loves playing video games and read comic books, wear hats, his hearty laugh, and his teasing and torment on Brandon just like Brian's teasing and torment on Sal. Ryder also has a fear of mimes during the from Brian's punishment when Brian had to be handcuffed to a mime for 24 hours, despite the fact that Brian isn't afraid of mimes, he just can't stand them. The couple even have a 4th cat, Eddy, a tomcat; technically, he's Sal's cat. Sal first met and adopted Eddy after his CATastrophe punishment, weelll..., it wasn't really a punishment because thanks to Brian, Sal is no longer afraid of cats; much to the disappointment from Joe and Murr.

The couple recently moved to Brooklyn a year ago. They are now living in a 2-story mansion-like house with 2 master bedrooms, 2 guest rooms and 4 bathrooms; each in one room. Their house has: a large living room with a large HD flat screen TV, a large kitchen and dining room with a dessert room that has display cases containing cakes, cupcakes and other pastries, a large arcade room to play games with a man cave, and a playroom for Q's cats and Sal's cat. Q even rented out a beach house for him, Sal, their sons and cats which was revealed in his web chat. 2:04 pm: Sal was in the living room, watching TV. Q was laying on the sofa, asleep after being up all night playing video games. Sal glanced at Q and smiled, then thought, "Aww, my dorky grizzly bear looks so cute when he's sleeping." Q made a slight snore sound which made Sal chuckled. Sal then looked at Brandon and Ryder playing with the cats. "Wow. I would never think in million of years that this would happen. I remembered it like it was yesterday when we first confessed our love for one another and became a couple 4 years ago. Now here we are: in our 40s, married with twin sons and 4 cats. No one said it would ever be easy; it was a rough road with the ups and downs, sideways, good times, bad times, sad times, crazy times and fun times. But it was all worth it."

Brian stirred up in his sleep and sat up; he yawned and stretched. "Someone's awake," Sal said with a teasing grin. Brian smiled and chuckled, then asked, "What time is it?" "2:10," Sal answered. Brian stood up and walked over to Sal, then sat right next to him and pecked Sal's cheek which made him blushed and chuckled. Brandon and Ryder ran over to Sal and Brian and got on the sofa with them; Brandon sat between Sal and Brian, and Ryder sat next to Brian. The cats followed and got on the sofa with them; Benjamin and Chessie rested on Brian's lap vice versa, and Brooklyn and Eddy rested on Sal's lap vice versa. Brandon looked at Sal and asked, "Papa, can we watch SpongeBob?" "Sure, son," Sal said with a smile, then grabbed the remote and changed the channel to SpongeBob. They all watched and sometimes laughed at the show. "A lot has changed over the years, especially my hair. I shaved it all off and made a wig out of it, and Murr had to wear it for the rest of season without washing or combing it as his punishment. I will admit, Sal was slightly sad that I got rid of my long hair because he was so accustomed to me having long hair for so long. Even though I had short hair before, especially before Impractical Jokers, but Sal is getting used to it. He even made a valid comment about it, saying that it looks like we're back in our early to mid to late-20s because of my buzzed cut hair," Brian thought.

He glanced at Sal and their sons who were zoned into the TV and laughing. Q smiled and thought, "I'd never knew that this would ever happen. More than 10 years ago, I was engaged, but it ended horribly. I'd never think I would ever be loved again or have a family. But that all changed because of my best friend/husband/lovelife/father of my 2 sons never gave up on me. He helped me through everything in my life and repaired me when I was broken, depressed and attempted suicide. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him, being by my side through thick and thin. I vowed to you, Sal that I will be your side when the impossible rises up. We will travel this life well-worn; no matter the cost, no matter how long. We will leave our footprints behind and carry on." Sal noticed Q was looking at him and smiled at him. "I love you, Sal," Q said. "I love you too, Q," Sal said, then they leaned in and kissed. They gazed at each other for a moment then turned their attention back to the TV. "I can't wait for our sons to grow up to become amazing, successful men; I want them to follow my and Sal's footsteps, but whatever they wanna do, Sal and I will support it 100%," Q thought with a smile, "This is the happiest and best time of my life. Thank you for reading "The Young And The Impractical": The journey of Vulquinn love story. We bid you adieu."

The End, bitches.

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