Bart Allen (catch up)

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How you meet 

You're a painter, an extremely versatile one at that. After finishing a commission you were on your way to deliver it, that is until someone snatched it from your hands. Luckily Bart was there to retrieve it for you. You ended up delivering the painting safely and received your hard earned money. Oh and who could forget a coffee date with a certain speedster that Friday ;)

Where he likes to kiss you 

He's the biggest goofball so he'll either kiss you on the nose or on the hand like the gentleman he is 

Really enjoys PDA, but not to the extent where you have a full make out session in front of people. Bart will typically have an arm around your waist or shoulders as he enjoys being close to you. A quick peck on the cheek or lips is the farthest he'll go in front of others 

What he loves most about you
Your patience: While he is naturally charming, his energy has him bouncing off the walls, which makes him a bit much for some people. Many (including Bart)are surprised at how well you handle him. It makes him happy that no matter how crazy he gets, you'll be waiting for him with a warm smile at your lips.

Possessive or Jealous

I'd say that Bart is more the type to get jealous rather than possessive. When someone starts chatting you up, he gets quite grumpy and passive aggressive with the person you're talking to. It's actually quite cute look on him though. 

The type of boyfriend he is

Bart is an extremely playful person and that shows within your relationship. He's the type to pick you up randomly, tickle you randomly, kiss you randomly. Honestly everyday is full of adventure, laughter and spontaneous actions. 

What side you bring out of him
His quiet side. While Bart does have endless energy, he often finds himself relaxing around you. Laying his head on your lap as you pay with his hair. Watching you paint with fascination. You always seem to calm him down no matter how hyper he is. 

Pick-Up Lines 

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put 'U' and 'I' together.

What you name your children

Boy: Bartholomew Wallace Allen iii

Girl: Lilly Grace Allen 

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