Garfield Logan (catch up)

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How you meet
You are the youngest Crock sister, (Y/N). So you two obviously meet in Mount Justice. It took a bit of courage, but Garfield actually managed to introduce himself (with the help of the team)

A bit shy with PDA? He's still pretty new to the dating game so there not much experience there. But he like to hold your hand! He also tends to back hug you and rest his chin on your shoulder.

What he loves most about you
Physical: Hands
He loves how they fit nicely into his own
Personality: Silliness
Not exactly silliness, but you can really joke around with him and make him laugh.

Possessive or Jealous
Jealous. Not an angry kind of jealous like Conner, but he can get a bit sad and insecure because he's never dated before so please be gentle with him!

Who you're jealous of
No one! He doesn't really talk to girls much and honestly he's a friendly person by nature so...

The type of boyfriend he is
The best friend kind of boyfriend! It's honestly exactly that, with all benefits of kissing and stuff.

What side you bring out of him
The emotional side. Not in public or around people, but when he's feeling down, Garfield will either go to you or his sister to vent. Sometimes both.

Pick-Up Lines
I'm placing you on the endangered species list because baby, you're one of a kind.

What you name your children
Alexander Logan

Melanie Logan

Weren't expecting that were you?
- B 💙

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