Motel 6 By _HakunaMatata_

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Motel 6 by _HakunaMatata_

Motel 6 is a fanfiction about Niall James Horan of One Direction.

It begins with a girl names Avery Holmes who is running from her abusive boyfriend. We are quick to learn she also has a daughter. Avery escapes with her daughter to a motel in the middle of nowhere in America. Here she meets Niall. When she learns Nialls story of why a super famous man is hiding out in an old motel, she is surprised. Throughout the story you learn of how her boyfriend is still after Avery.

I'll let you read the rest! Don't want too many spoilers! It is still ongoing and its just reached chapter 40! Let me just say that chapter was amazing and I cant wait for the update!


There are cute, happy, sad and frustrating moments that will leave you hungry for more! I literally could not stop reading! There are moments when it gets a little dull but the author always puts something so unexpected that will bring you back for more!


Spelling/grammar: 5/5

Characters: 4/5

Plot: 4/5

Climax: -/5

Ending: -/5

Overall (so far): 13/25

This book is still ongoing so I can not give the book its full rate. We haven't reached the climax nor the ending yet. The low mark does not suggest it is a bad book but just what they've gotten so far :) xox

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