In 27 Days By HonorInTheRain

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In 27 Days By HonorInTheRain

I'm super excited to share this book with you guys! It's one of my all time favourite books and I've read it over and over and it honestly never gets boring!

So In 27 Days is about a girl named Hadley Jamison who finds out one of her classmates, Archer Morales, had committed suicide. Feeling awful, Hadley decides to attend his funeral where she meets his mum and three triplet sisters. After the funeral she runs into a very creepy looking man that offers her a deal to save Archer Morales' life. Of course she takes it and wakes up in an old chineese restraunt with none other than Archer Morales standing in front of her. What's the catch you ask? She only has 27 days to do it..

Now I absolutely love this book to pieces I couldn't believe I haven't done a review on it yet! So basically before we start I think I should let you all know that Morales is more-alls its more-are-less.  I think so anyways because its a spannish name which relates to the word morals anyways.

Back to the review. It is beautifully written and i'm completely and utterly in love with Archer (boo why can't he be real?!) and the characters of this story! They all have distincy traits so you can tell exactly what theuir personality type is! The storyline is clear and not muddled up, its the best love story ever. (Well so I think)

I mean the amount of times I laugh, cry and overall love it is unbelieveable. The author has also posted a sequal but in Archers POV (wich is adorable) and there are some other short stories to do with other characters.

Overall this author has done a fantastic job in really reeling in the readers and giving them exactly what anybody needs: a great love story. I'm still quite shocked as to how THIS book hasn't become a movie?!

Spelling/grammar: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Climax: 5/5
Ending: 5/5

Overall: 25/25

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