Chapter 9

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“I have never heard of something like that,” Carl said stunned.

“I have.” The room got real quiet when Dad said this. “My father told me that his mother could hear people’s thoughts.”

“I don’t hear it all the time though.”

“He said that she had to concentrate on some one. Look at them and concentrate.”

“That’s freaky,” Anthony said.

“Every time it happened it was when I was puzzled about what was being said and it was like I zoomed in at the side of their head. It  freaked me out every time and when I looked away, it stopped.”

“Is there anything else?”

I looked at Josh and nearly lost mu control right then. I took a deep breath. “Just that I seem to hear what people are saying about me behind a soundproof room?”

“Zee, this is normal…”

“How can this be normal by any standards?”

A smile crossed his face. “Let me finish. It is normal for a special wolf. You might come across other things you can do as time progresses.”

“Wait. How do you know this?”

Josh hesitated. “Well, I am a special wolf too.”

“And you know this is normal?” This was awesome! My mate was in this with me.

“Yes, I am.” Josh had a real smile on his face.

“Not good! You are not supposed to know what I’m thinking.”

“I told you. Special too.”

“What is going on here?” Anthony really sounded confused.

“Well, I can also hear what people are thinking.”

“No, way…”

“Like right now you want to know when the attraction you feel for Zee is going to last, right?”

“No, way…How did you know that?” Anthony could be very slow sometimes.

“I heard you think it. It would end the moment she mated with her true mate and he marks her.”

“What?” This could not be true. I did not want to complete the mating process just to stop being wanted by the unmated wolves.

“Unfortunately that’s how it works and no, I will not force you into doing what you don’t want.”

“You are her mate? Why didn’t you say something?” Dad looks at me puzzled.

“It’s not like I had time to say anything… Besides, I have more questions. Why is it that I shocked Marco and not anyone else?”

All eyes turned to Josh.

“When you shocked him, you were angry. A very powerful emotion.”

“She shocked me too,” Anthony stated.


“Just before you started to phase. We were still in Math.”

“But I remember that and it felt more like pins and needles than a jolt…”

“Were you angry?” Josh asked.

“No. I was upset because he came to sit close to me and I could not figure out why he came up for me again.”

“I don’t know why I did it.”

“Well, there’s your answer. You were experiencing some emotions. I experienced the same thing.”

“That explains the jolt through my arm when you bumped into me at school.”

“Yes, I was upset because of the way you treated Zee. You can be glad that I had practise in controlling it, otherwise you would have had it bad.”

“Why did Ms Jones get a shock?”

“What? Is she ok?”

“Yes, Zee. You only shocked her lightly.”

“It was right before you passed out. I think you were gathering your energy to go through the phasing process.”

“I remember you touching me and you did not get shocked?”

“No. It was more like a cold shiver that you sent out towards me. Like you said – pins and needles.”

“I remember feeling extremely cold during the process. Why?”

“It was your special powers settling before your phasing process.”

“Are there any side effects to the powers?” My mum sounded like she has given up on something.

“No, not as far as I know. Why do you ask?”

“My mother’s nose use to start bleeding after she tuned into some one’s thoughts. It got worse every time and eventually it did not stop…” My father sounded broken when he answered instead of mum.

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