The Final Battle Part 2

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Y/N Memory: We don't have a choice. The World is cruel.

Those words played over and over in Eren's head as he began to remember all those who were killed. All those who died fighting against the titans, and those who perished trying to capture Annie. Then, his final memory was the day his mother was eaten by a titan, and finally, he snapped, slowly sitting up, driving the piece of wood that pierced his chest deeper through him.

Eren's thoughts: I'll wipe you out.....No.....I'LL KILL YOU!


As he wounded himself fully, and grew a single goal in his mind, he finally felt the surge of energy rush through him before a bolt of hot lightning struck where he laid. He began to transform and once the smoke cleared, he had already made his way to Annie who was stood in front of a church. His stomps echoed through the city as Annie turned around, only to be met with a fist, sending her flying into the church, and alerting the scouts that Eren is back in the fight. As Annie sat back up, she saw under her that she had crushed members of the church, and after hearing Eren charging at her, she got up and began to run towards the walls, something the priest wasn't too fond of.

Pastor Nick: No....stay away from the walls....Not the walls!

He turned hearing Eren's stomps and was blown away from them. Mean while, Mina, Petra, Eld and Oluo flew over to you. They saw you had steam coming from your face, so he was healing.

Petra: Should we cut him out?

Eld: No, let him heal, then he can continue to fight.

Oluo: Dumb kid let his guard down, damn it. At least
Eren is handling her for a bit.

Mina: Let's hope Eren can hold out long enough for Y/N to get back up.

As you were down, healing from the wound you endured, Eren was chasing down Annie through the city. Crashing into buildings, causing fires all over, stomping on people. Amin, Jean, and Hanji landed on a building as they watched Eren run by.

Hanji: This time, it seems he's retaining control. 

Armin: Yes, but Eren's never managed to beat the Female Titan. 

Jean: Now that he's a titan, he must be prepared to fight...He won't go down easily-

Armin: Willpower alone isn't enough in a battle. You know that Jean! Defeating Annie will require far more....

Annie and Eren began to make their way to a piece of flat land, where the Scouts wouldn't be able to use their ODM gear.

Gunther: An open area!  The Female Titan's heading for an open area!

Scout: We can't use our Maneuver Gear there!

Hanji: Split up and work your way around the other side!

Gunther: Roger!

Eren and Annie continued their path, stomping the ground sending people  flying. They were heading towards a group of MP's who were still gearing up.

MP 1:  Hurry, hurry, hurry!

MP 2: This doesn't make sense...What's a titan doing here!?

They couldn't get away as Annie and Eren had made it to them and stomped them into the ground. Annie ran into the open area and slid to a stop, gripping a tower,  and ripping open, forcing Military Police to fall from it, and the two titan's stared each other down.

Eren thoughts: Annie....You always acted like you found everything extremely stupid. You always seemed bored. 

Annie took her stance, as Eren stood his ground, eyeing her down in hatred.

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