The Beginning:Temptations & Aptitude

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Today was the day you all trained to become soldiers. When Shadis introduced you, you couldn't help but hear gasps and whispers. You didn't mind, in fact you found it amusing, that was until you started to hear whispers from female voices that would range from them saying you were really cute to...wanting to have your babies... Well after those embarrassing moments, you regained your composure, and stood tall next to Shadis.

Shadis:  Now then, I will begin asking all of you a series of questions individually, I expect immediate answers, is that clear!?

Recruits: Yes sir!

Shadis: Corporal, start with the second row, I'll proceed with the first.

Y/N: Yes sir.

You made your way to the second row and was met with a blonde girl who had icy blue eyes and an emotionless face. You start with her.

Y/N: So recruit, what's your name, and reason for enlisting?

Blonde girl: Annie Leonhart. I joined because of a goal.

Y/N: What is your goal?

Annie: It's personal sir.

Y/N: I see.

You lift her head with your hand to make her look into your eyes, and give her a smirk. Then you whisper into her ear.

Y/N: I hope I grow on you enough for you to tell me your secrets~

You back away to see her face red as a tomato and look back down, with hearing all those whispers, you couldn't help but mess with the female recruits. Next you moved passed a few students and stopped at a tall black haired male, slightly taller than you, but lacked any real muscle compared to you.

Y/N: You recruit, who are you and why are you here?

Black haired male: Bertolt Hoover, and I'm hear guard and protect the walls sir!

Y/N: Very well, how?

He seems taken back by this so you push him further.

Y/N: How will you defend the walls?

He tries to come up with an answer but to no avail and looks down. You shrug it off and continue down the line, and stop at a small cute blonde girl. You wonder how many blondes your going to meet. She seemed flustered and turned a tint of read when you stopped in front of her, seeing this you knew it would be fun.

Y/N: So what's a cute little girl doing in a training camp that trains people to kill titans?

When she hears you call her cute she blushes even more and replies nervously.

Small Blonde: K-Krista Lenz s-sir! I joined to p-protect and serve h-humanity!

Looking back at Shadis and seeing him holding up a bald boy who saluted him wrong, you turn towards krista and put your hand on her shoulder, she looks into your eyes as you give her a reassuring smile.

Y/N: Relax, no need to be flustered.

Krista: S-sorry s-sir.

Y/N: How about when we aren't training, call me just call me Y/N.

She calms down hearing your reassuring words and smiles faintly.

Krista: Thank you sir.

Y/N: No problem, a cute little girl like yourself shouldn't be nervous like that.

She turns red once again and before you head down the row, you hear a loud crunch and freeze in your tracks seeing a brown haired girl eating a potato. You and Shadis slowly made your way towards her.

Attack on titan x Male Reader: Thrown Into The Grinder (REVISION OUT NOW)Where stories live. Discover now