From V to You

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Dear reader,

I hope you understand that the topic of Shattered Inferno has very dark and devastating subjects. These include depression and suicide.

I can probably guess that most of you read this for entertainment. And yes, it is for that, but not only for that. It's about awareness of the subject.
My sister once knew a girl called Denni, who had a mother that yelled at her for doing the slightest thing different, and she was also bullied. She'd had enough, and eventually drove herself to suicide when she was just twelve.

Humans shouldn't feel this way because of bullies or others, especially young people like teenagers. If you haven't experienced it before, you can't imagine it. The judgemental society that we live in just makes it even worse.

But don't worry. It's going to get better, I promise. It'll be alright in the end, honestly.

If you or a friend are in a state of this kind, please talk to me! I'm always open to talk to you guys. ❤
If not, you can always call the suicide hotline number on 1-800-273-8255 (America)
And Childline on 0800 1111.

This story is for entertainment.

The topics of it, aren't.

Thank you.

Shattered Inferno (Junkrat x reader angst)(C)Where stories live. Discover now