Isolated Daffodil

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[Y/N] had stumbled across an isolated town far away from central Australia made of scrap, riddled with rust and old omnic parts. Their [H/C] locks wafted in the hazy breeze that caressed their skin whilst looking up at the large, scribbly and scrawny word in polar white that read 'Junkertown'.
What a strange name, They thought. How have I never come across it before?
Stepping closer, one dirty trainer at a time, the whirr of cogs could be heard, and a tiny shaft opened up well above the main door. A booming voice spoke.
"Who's this?" The male voice asked.
"I'm a resident coming back from my travels, Mister." [Y/N] lied, keeping a stright face so it wouldn't give in so easily.
"Roighto, welcome back ta Junkertown, bud."
More cogs the size of two of the newcomer revolved and slid open the gate as they stepped right in, their weaker foot forward, shaking a little and being so silent that they heard their trainer's rubber sole touch the ground.
The gate wound back up behind them so quickly that they felt the force of the steel colliding with the top through the ground. It was strangely quiet. Quiet enough that it was almost eerie.
I guess it's time to find somewhere to live. They sighed, flicking parts of their hair back and out of their [E/C] irises.

After what felt like hours of walking in the red hot heat, [Y/N] finally found a vacant house just up the dirt path, on the side a cliff with a lovely view of the rest of the outback - it looked very peaceful compared to the rest of the scrap heap of a 'town'. They were about to head forward to the shack, when someone stopped them.
"Ya new aroun' here, mate?" The tall, stubbly bloke asked.
"Well, I guess so, why?"
He pointed up towards the path with a slight frown on his face. "I wouldn' go up that way if I were you, kiddo. This Junkrat bloke, always bloody miserable since a year ago when tha omnics came. He doesn' even go out of the 'ouse anymore. Pale as anythin' that one. Stay away from there."
[Y/N] felt a twang in their heart. "Why should I stay away?" They asked.
"'Cause everyone else does. We don' muck aroun' with any old miseryguts. Tells everyone to piss off with the same damn stare."
"I don't really care. I need a place to catch my Z's, and I don't care where it is or who lives there." They started to stroll along the dirt road past the man to the vacant house.
Once inside, they set out their things. It was quite cosy really, even for a little shack. They figured they'd do it up a bit once they had everything. The largest shack had an upstairs, a large centre and signs and strange decorations around it. Surely this wasn't where the 'miserable man' lived. Or was it? Maybe they were just assuming things.
An ugly, muffled sob could be heard from the inside. Yep, this was it alright.
They went up to the window and smiled, resting their hands on the windowsill.
"Hey, buddy, are you alright?" They spoke in a soft tone. "I'm not here to make fun of you or anything, I promise."
A brief moment of silence echoed for a few seconds until he finally, sadly, responded. "That ain't true. Just lemme be, 'kay?"
"I swear, it's true, Junkrat. Is that your name? I'm new here, so I wouldn't know."
He laughed lightly, then deeply sighed.
"C'mon, let me help. I'm not like the others, I promise, Junkrat. How do you feel?"
"Empty. Completely empty."
And for some odd reason, [Y/N] felt a pulse of that emptiness running through their veins. Perhaps they shared something. Or was it just their kindness? They couldn't think, but they knew they felt the same as Junkrat did in that moment.

Shattered Inferno (Junkrat x reader angst)(C)Where stories live. Discover now